Big Baby (Little Yunho)

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Little: Yunho

Caregivers: Ateez (mostly Hongjoong and Yeosang)

Hongjoong POV

I was never one for babysitting.

As a matter of fact, I thought of myself as a terrible babysitter.

Everything changed however, when Yunho told us that he was a little. It wasn't a shock to me because I had my suspicions. Everyone else was asking questions and wondering how to take care of a little.

I had been doing my research, and since everyone realized I already knew my stuff, I became caregiver #1.

I did have to fight Woosan for that title but in the end, I won.

"Papa! Play game!"

"Sorry baby, papa is busy."

"Please papa?"

I looked at him as he pouted at me. His little age stopped at around five, and in that headspace, he loved video games. So much so that he wanted me to play with him all day.

"Papa will play after work. Okay my baby?"

"Okay papa. I play with Sangie?"

"That's fine. I'll let him know you want to play."

I texted Yeosang and asked him to come to my studio. Along with the maknae line, I created a little area in my studio for baby Yunho, so he could be comfortable whenever he stayed with me.

It consisted of a tv, mini fridge, oversized beanbag, and radio so he can listen to his tunes.

After a few minutes of me watching him run over people in GTA 5, Yeosang came in.

"Hi big baby! Sangie is here for game time!"

Yunho jumped up and hugged him, earning squeals from the smaller.

Yeosang POV

I was almost tackled to the floor by the resident baby whe I walked into Joongie's studio.

Yunho and I sat on his beanbag and started to play the game together.

After repeatedly mowing down pedestrians and getting concerned looks from Hongjoong, I saw Yunho yawning.

We continued to play the game for a while before I saw him stopping to rub his eyes.

"Are you sleepy baby?"


I was trying to keep my uwu's in check, which was impossible in this group.

"How about you take a nap? When you wake up, we can play more."

"Okay Sangie."

I turned off the game, picking up his blanket from the floor. He curled up on the beanbag and kept moving around to get comfy.

"Is it okay if he naps here?"

Hongjoong just nodded his head, eyes still on his computer.

As I left the room, I heard a little voice behind me.

"I love you Sangie!"

"I love you too baby."

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