Ducks and Swan (Little Hongjoong)

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Little: Hongjoong

Caregiver: Jongho

Jongho POV

Being the youngest member is a very hard task.

I'm only saying that because I recently got a new role in the group. Caregiver.

Hongjoong is a little, and attached himself to me. I thought he would be after Seonghwa as his caregiver, or even San. But he wanted it to be me. I don't mind though, it's nice to have days where it's just us together.

One of those days is today. After a long practice, I decided to take him somewhere special.

The park downtown has a lake in the middle with ducks!

"Papa! We go see duck?"

"Yes sweetheart. We get to see all the ducks, even the babies."

"Babies? Like, wittle duck?"

"Exactly. Let's get you ready."

He shared a room with Seonghwa, who helped me when it came to clothes and organizing his little things. Together we made a tall wardrobe for his little clothes. We called it, "Angel's Corner", and it came with a little vanity set for him to get ready.

Hongjoong ran over to the wardrobe and opened the large doors. He started looking at clothes and made a pout when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"Papa, where birdie? I wan wear birdie."

"Your birds shirt? I'll find it for you."

You see, there is a specific outfit little Hongjoong loves to wear. It was a gift from Jisung of Stray Kids, who said it made him think of our leader.

It was a light yellow tshirt with different birds. There were ducks, owls, penguins, chickens, and in the middle, a giant red bird. We always paired it with his favorite black shorts or yellow shorts. Depending on the weather it would be pants too.

This time he asked for black shorts.

As I was still looking for the shirt, he had wandered over to his toy chest. I heard it open and saw him taking out a toy car. Another thing he loved.

When I found the shirt, I brought him to the bed, where I sat him down and changed his clothes. The whole time, he was telling me about ducks he's seen before.

"And Gigi took me, we saw brown duck, and pretty one wiv red stripe."

"That sounds nice sweetheart. What else did you see?"

I could tell he was thinking as I put his shoes on.

"We saw turtle. And then we saw squirrel!"

"Do you think we will see turtles today as well?"

"Yes! I want see duck and turtle!"

"Well then let's go!"

He jumped down off of the bed and ran downstairs, me following him.

Together we left the house.

We were driven by one of our security guards. Our manager had taken Yeosang and Wooyoung to a new restaurant they wanted to try.

It didn't take long to get to the park.

The energetic little next to me hopped from the car and waited for me to lead him to the lake. Our security guard followed from a distance.

The park was beautiful this time of year. It was bursting with colors and bright scenery. Hongjoong saw the lake and his eyes got bigger.

"Papa! Papa! Duckie!"

"Let's go see them baby."

We walked over and sat by the lake, on the grass.

There were two families of ducks that went by, one was white and one was brown. Hongjoong made sure to point that out to me.

"That one is pretty papa."

He was pointing to a large white one in the center.

"Sweetie, that's a swan!"

"A swan? What a swan?"

"A swan is a beautiful bird that likes to swim in places like this.",

He stood up and went over to the edge of the lake. I was about to get him back when the swan started coming toward him.

Hongjoong reached out his hands as the bird came closer. It got right in front of him, and he took the opportunity to touch its feathers.

The bird just stared at him and ruffled its wings.

I heard a camera sound behind me and saw our guard taking photos. I took some too.

The bird soon went back to the middle of the lake. Hongjoong ran back over to me, smiling.

"Did you see papa?! I pet swan!"

"I saw baby! You were so nice to the swan."

The guard tapped me on the shoulder, signaling it was time to go. We had to be back before the sun sets, or our manager would be worried. Plus, we had a schedule tomorrow.

We all went back to the car and made our way home. Along the way, Hongjoong had started feeling sleepy. I let him lean on my shoulder. He didn't take his nap after practice, so I knew he would get tired eventually.

When we got home, I picked up the now sleeping little and carried him inside.

Yeosang and Wooyoung were already home, and watching tv together on the couch.

"Awww, I can't believe we missed time with little Joongie again!", Yeosang said.

"Well if any of you want to babysit next time-"

"ME!", Wooyoung yelled.

"No ME!", Yeosang also yelled.

"Maybe both of you. And why are you yelling? He is sleeping after all."

"Sorry.", they said in unison.

I carried him upstairs and went to his room. I saw Seonghwa was also home, and reading a book in his bed.

"How was your day?", he asked.

"Fun. We saw ducks. And this little man got close to a swan."

I laid the boy down and covered him.

"That sounds nice."

"It was. Well, I'm about to go relax, see you later."

"See you. Oh, and can I ask you something?"

"Sure hyung."

"I heard you asking if anyone wanted to babysit next time. Can I perhaps bribe you for that offer?"

"Haha, you'll have to fight Yeosang and Wooyoung over that."

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