Not The Best (Little San)

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Requested By: MarkeuKenYi

Little/Sick: San (Age - 3)

Caregiver: Yunho

Yunho POV

The house was empty today except for San and I.

I was sweeping the downstairs area in the living room while music played in the background. The fresh smell of the cleaning solution made me smile to myself.

After I finished sweeping, I was about to sit down, that was until I heard the most heartbreaking cry from upstairs.

Dad senses kicking in, I ran up the steps to my shared room with San. When I opened the door, my heart shattered.

He was sitting up in the bed, looking around the room frantically. When he saw me, he reached his arms out for me.

"Oh sweetheart what's wrong? Did you think daddy left you?"

All I could hear were soft sniffles under me. I could feel the warmth radiating off of him.

Was he not feeling well today?

"Baby are you feeling bad?"

"Feel icky daddy."

"Where baby?"

He pointed to his nose and his head.
I reached over to the dresser and pulled out the box with a thermometer and paper.

The paper was a documentation of all the times he's been sick. If he had a fever, this would the the second time this month.

I raised his head gently, watching him wipe his eyes and sniff. His nose was red and his eyes looked red as well from all the crying. Something was surely wrong.

"Okay I'm going to check your temperature. Be still for me baby boy."

He hated getting his temperature checked. He didn't like the feeling of the cold thermometer in his mouth, especially if he wasn't feeling well.

I put the thermometer in and waited for a minute while it checked. My eyes opened wide when the thermometer showed 39.4 degrees Celsius.

My poor baby had a fever.

"Angel how do you feel about taking a nice bath to cool you down?"

All he could do was shake his head yes. I removed the blankets from him and picked him up.

I brought him to the bathroom and started the tub. We didn't want the water too hot, especially since he's sick. I put bubbles in, hopefully to brighten his mood.

I took off his clothes and guided him to the tub. I could see the relaxation on his face as he sat back in the cool water.

Quickly I went to get him a new outfit.

I took out my phone as well, calling someone to pick up some things for me.


"Hey! Wooyoung?"

"How did you know?"

"Because I dialed your number."

"Oh yeah. What's up?"

"San isn't feeling well. He woke up crying and he has a 39.4 Celsius fever."

"Oh crap. I'll get him something to help! How is he feeling?"

I looked down at the boy who was smiling softly as I washed his hair.

"He wasn't feeling too well. I think the bath might be helping."

"That's good. I'll be there in about 30 minutes. I need to stop by the store."

"Thanks Wooyoung."

"You're welcome. Take care of our baby."

After the bath was over, I lifted him from the tub and dried him off. I carefully put on his outfit.


"Yes baby?"

"I wan sleep. M'tired."

"Of course. Let's lay down then."

We went to the bed and I put him down on top of the blankets. He could barely keep his eyes open, and had a pout on his face.

"Uncle Woo will be here soon to give you some medicine baby. Is that okay?"

"Mhmm.", he replied, cuddling into me.

I could still feel the warmth from him, so I turned on the ceiling fan. Less than five minutes later, he was fast asleep.

32 Minutes Later

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder.

Wooyoung was home and handed me the bag from the store. I sat up and thanked him. He kissed San on the forehead before exiting the room.

I woke up the little next to me, who started whining in a low volume. I sat him up and held him in my arms. I rocked him slowly and opened the box with the medicine using my other hand.

I gave him some of the medicine and watched him stretch to wake up fully.

I then carried him downstairs, where Wooyoung and Yeosang were watching TV. I put San next to them and went to make him some food.

I made some Chicken Noodle Soup for all four of us. Together we sat at the table and I let Yeosang feed him.

Over the next few days San got better. We became even closer and spent every moment together until he got better. 

If this is what it's like to be a dad, I wouldn't trade this feeling for a single minute.


Hi! After the completion of this book, I will be uploading another Ateez story, but except for littles, two will actually be babies.

Stay tuned.

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