Our Babies Pt.2 (Little Jongho and San)

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Littles: Jongho (2) and San (Babie)

Caregivers: Wooyoung and Hongjoong

Hongjoong POV

I ended up spending the night in the room with Jongho. After I had went back to the room, I saw Wooyoung and San asleep. To say I was happy to have another little was an understatement.

Aren't they the cutest?

When I woke up, I heard noises from outside. It sounded like people talking. From what I could hear, they were excited.

"Another little?! Can I babysit pleeeeeease?", Mingi yelled.

"You can help Hongjoong and me today."

"Oh can I help too?! He is my roommate after all.", Yunho asked.

I got up from the bed and turned back to look at Jongho, who was still sleeping. Smiling to myself I opened the bedroom door and saw the four suspects in the hallway.

Wooyoung had San on his back, who was now looking at me and smiling. Mingi and Yunho had just been informed of our new little.

"Good morning hyung.", Yunho said.

"Is the other baby awake? Let's have a sleepover!", Mingi suggested.

"Not yet. But since we have the next few days to ourselves, we have plenty of time for a sleepover.'

Mingi and Yunho jumped around hand in hand. They ran back down the steps. I assumed they were going to set up the sleepover.

"Wi~wi!", baby San said.

"Yes my baby?", Wooyoung replied.

San proceeded to bite his hair, signaling he was hungry. I went back in the room with Jongho as they went downstairs.

Wooyoung POV

Carrying the excited and hungry baby, I went down the steps and toward the kitchen.

"Ahh~how cute! Seonghwa look! A baby!", Yeosang yelled excitedly.

"Oh I see! He's so adorable."

I heard his little laugh and started to place him in a chair at the dining table. Yeosang fixed the food for him, and Seonghwa started to play peekaboo.

"Oop-where am I?", Seonghwa said, hiding behind his hands.

San tilted his head, squinting his eyes.
He reached out for Seonghwa, whining and trying to pull his hands down.

"Here I am!", he said as San pulled his hands.

The baby laughed loudly, clapping his hands. I watched Mingi and Yunho argue over where to put the blankets. Now they had to accommodate for twice the littles.

Yeosang and I brought the food to San, who let me feed him. Seonghwa watched with jealously, only speaking when he heard another cute giggle from the hallway.

"Look who just woke up!", Hongjoong yelled.

Behind him was a sleepy looking Jongho, who was biting his shirt sleeves. He ran towards Seonghwa, hugging him eagerly.

"Hi cutie!"

"Hi Seongie!", the little replied.

He sat down at the table and looked at San. The latter was staring back at him, a small smile on his face.

"Woo, he baby?"

"Yes he is. Do you want to help me feed him?"


Jongho moved to Wooyoung's lap. Grabbing a piece of the food, he reached his hand towards San. He giggled in excitement when San took the food with his mouth.

"Haha! Woo, baby cute!"

"He sure is. And so are you!"

Hongjoong and the part-time babysitting squad of Seonghwa and Yeosang went to make pancakes for everyone.

Mingi and Yunho finished setting up the living room, and couldn't help but squeal at the sight. Jongho was sitting on Wooyoung's lap, helping to feed San.

Yunho took quite a few photos for the Ateez Yearbook, something he invented literally just now.

3rd Person POV

Everyone had eaten breakfast and were now sitting in the living room.

Jongho was sitting up on the couch, watching cartoons. San was laying across his lap, seeing as he insisted his "baby brother" be with him at all times.

Yeosang was next to them on the couch, and had the baby's legs on him.

It was nice to all be in the same place, relaxing. Hongjoong looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. This is what he wanted, this is the family they always deserved.

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