Disney Marathon (Little Wooyoung)

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Little: Wooyoung (Age: 4)

Caregiver: San


Taking care of little Wooyoung made me realize something...

Parenting is difficult.

"Come on Woo! We have to go inside!"

"No! Woo stay out!"

We were currently finishing a very involved game of kickball in the front yard.

Wooyoung loved the game, so he didn't want to come back inside. Due to the excitement of playing his favorite game, Little Woo showed up.

This made it 10x more difficult to get him inside.

"Okay, how about we make a deal?"

"Deal?", he replied.

"If you come inside, we can watch your favorite Disney movies all night!"

I watched his face light up as he jumped in place. He ran past me into the house. I closed the door before he could change his mind.

Entering the kitchen we were met with Yunho, who had half his forearm in a can of Pringle.

"Oh hey. You two had fun?"

"Yeah.", I replied, "Can you help us make some snacks. I may or may not have promised him a Disney marathon."

Yunho laughed. Out of nowhere, Mingi and Hongjoong appeared.

"We heard Disney.", they said in unison.

Ten minutes later we were all crowded in the kitchen making snacks.

The other members were putting the movies in order in the living room.

"Hey Woo, look at this."

When he looked over at me, I put whipped cream on his nose, earning a shocked gasp.

"Ah! Papa why!", he yelled, pouting.

"Aww, don't be upset baby. You're too cute when you're angry."

He took some whipped cream from the ice cream floats and put it on my cheek.

I let out an exaggerated gasp, making him laugh.

"You two go get ready, we'll handle the rest.", Mingi said.

I led Wooyoung to the living room. He jumped on the couch, bouncing in a circle.

"Baby Woo, you can't jump on the couch. Please get down."

He sighed before jumping down, plopping on the couch.

"Papa and Woo watch movie?"

"Everyone is watching it with us baby."

He excitedly clapped, folding his legs on the couch and sitting close to me.

The rest of the members came in soon after. Ice cream floats and popcorn, as well as Jongho's stash of sodas, were placed on the table.

Woo excitedly jumped up and turned on the TV when everyone sat down.

The first movie was Beauty and The Beast.

Woo sat close to me, occasionally giving me popcorn.

I enjoyed times like this. My best friend, the person I care for the most, right by my side.

Oh yeah, and the rest of then are here too.

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