Donuts (Little San)

864 22 4

Little: San

Caregivers: Ateez

Seonghwa POV

We were all in the middle of a break from practing.

Today was a relaxed day for everyone. After practice we would go home and spend the rest of our day doing whatever we want. I was excited especially, because San and I, as well as Mingi and Yeosang were staying home and binge watching dramas.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Hongjoong saying we would end practice early. It was followed by claps from the other members. We had been here for three hours after all, and my batteries were going on empty.


All the members had split up, and now the aforementioned group including myself were sitting in the living room.

San was curled up on my lap, in full cutie mode.



"I wan snackies!"

Mingi and Yeosang turned to me, both thinking the same thing.

"I guess everyone wants snacks huh?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Whenever San is in little space, I can't help but give him whatever he wants. Mingi once told me I would be a terrible dad because of this philosophy. But do i care? Nope. Not as long as my baby is happy.

"Dada! Hug!"

He wrapped his arms around me like the character on TV and ended up on my lap. His little age was no more than three at this point, which was the most frequent.

"I could hug you all day baby. You are so cute!"

"Can have donut dada?"

"Of course. When Sangie comes back you can have one."

He continued to watch the drama and we waited for Yeosang to come back with the donuts he ordered. In the kitchen, Mingi was making a recipe for pink milk he saw on YouTube.

A few minutes later, Yeosang came back and joined us in the living room.

"Everyone take a donut! I got a discount because the cashier thought I was hot.", said Yeosang as he sat down.

Mingi came back and have each of us a cup of the milk he made.

Little San drank it up while putting his heart and soul into a glazed donut.

We all laughed at him with donut pieces on his face. I took a photo and sent it to Wooyoung to let him know I was giving his roommate/little sugar and it was going to be his problem.

We sat like that for a while before we finished off the donuts. I noticed San was yawning after the episode ended, so I brought him upstairs to his and Wooyoung's room.

"Time for a nap cutie."

"Shiber Dada! I need Shiber."

I grabbed his Shibe plushie off of his nightstand and handed it to him.

I stayed with him for about ten minutes until he fell asleep.

I gave him a forehead kiss before walking from the room, turning off his light.

I feel like I would be a good dad. My kids would be incredibly spoiled, but hey...that's fine with me.

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