In The Sky (Little Mingi)

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Little: Mingi

Caregivers: Yeosang

Yeosang POV

Finally. Some peace and quiet.

All day it's been confused yelling and our leader doing roll calls to make sure no one was left behind.

We were currently on a flight back home after our final concert as part of the tour. Sitting next to me was Mingi, with headphones on, watching cartoons.

We didn't tell anyone, but Mingi had been little since we got onto the flight. I guess it's finally a safe place.

"Snack?", he asked, pointing to the stewardess cart that just pulled up.

"Sure little one. Could we get some trail mix please? And two water bottles?"

The lady smiled at me, and nodded. She reached into the cart and handed us two packages of trail mix, and some cold water bottles.

"Thank you so much ma'am."

"You're welcome.", she said with a smile, "My little likes to watch those shows too. Yours is such a cutie."

Mingi pulled his hoodie over his head at the word "cutie".

"Thanks. He's a bit shy. Mingi, say thank you."

He shyly peaked out from under his hoodie, "T'ank you miss."

"Aww, you're welcome. Here, have an extra snack pack on me."

She handed us an extra snack pack and left down the aisle.

Mingi and I were eating when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, hey, give me one of those peanuts.", Jongho whispered.


"I'm hungry. Yunho ate my snacks."

"I did not!", Yunho whisper yelled from next to him.

"Here.", Mingi replied, handing his trail mix bag to Jongho.

"Aww, thanks baby! Wow, he ate everything but the peanuts."

Mingi proceeded to make me watch cartoons with him for the next 45 minutes.

I was still wondering why Jongho called him "baby", even though they didn't know he was little. Or did they?


"Yes angel?"

He hid his face in his hoodie again, being shy.

"Hehe, you are adorable. What is it you wanted?"


He pointed to Seonghwa, who was asleep in the row beside us. He had a neck pillow, which Mingi wanted.

I motioned to Hongjoong, who was sitting next to him.

"What?", Hongjoong asked.

"You have any extra neck pillows? Mingi wants one."


He reached into the compartment above them and pulled one down.

"Thank you!", I replied, as he tossed it over.

Mingi grabbed it, happily placing it around his neck.

"I watch night time cartoons Sangie?"

"Okay. Let me find one for you."

I held his IPad and changed it to one of his "bedtime cartoons", which was mainly a playlist of every episode of SpongeBob from Season 1 to Season 9 specifically.

I watched as he laughed along with the cartoons, drinking his bottled water.

I snapped a photo with my phone to send to the groupchat.

*photo attached*

FoxSang: He's so cute, I'm keeping him forever and none of you can stop me.

AppleBoy: Not fair, how does Yeosang get to be with little Mingi!

KingYunho: You get to sit with me.

AppleBoy: Yeosang please switch seats.

WooIsNotYoung: Everyone stop texting. It's 12:41 a.m.

DadOfShiber: You were just texting me!

WooIsNotYoung: Don't expose me sir.

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