Puppy Parade (Little Mingi) ft. Jongho

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Little: Mingi and Jongho

Caregivers: Hongjoong and Yeosang

Mingi POV

It's been a while since we had a break. For the past few weeks, things with our comeback have been really busy. Performances, interviews, practice, it's all day, every day.

Hongjoong came home from the studio yesterday and told us we had the weekend off. To say we were relieved was an understatement.

You see, I am a little, and I haven't been able to slip since we started this comeback. Quite a few times i was close to doing it, but was brought out of it by group activities. This weekend I will finally be able to slip.

The thing is, whenever we have breaks, we are always together. That wouldn't be a problem, if everyone knew I was a little. The only people who know are my Caregivers, Hongjoong and Yeosang.

I didn't realize everyone was staring at me until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright Mingi?", San asked.

"O-oh, yeah. I'm sorry what were we talking about?"

I saw Yeosang looking at me. I looked down and pretended not to see him.

"The local animal shelter is hosting an adoption event.", Seonghwa said.

"They're going to do a puppy parade in their store to showcase the dogs. It will go all the way from puppies to big ones.", Hongjoong said.

Great. Puppies. I remember when Yeosang took Jongho to a puppy rescue center and he got one for San.

This brings me to my second problem. Jongho. Don't get my wrong, I love him, so much. The issue is that everyone knows he is a little. They might think im copying him if they found out. Also, Yeosang is his caregiver, so he rarely gets to spend time with me.

I was upstairs getting ready when a knock came on the door. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. By the hands I knew it was Yeosang.

"What's wrong MinMin?"

"Please don't call me that..."

"Why not?", he pouted.

"Because I don't want to slip. Not today."


"Yes. We have to go to this puppy parade. If I slip, everyone will know."

"Mingi, you see how they treat Jongho. Why are you scared?"

"That's the problem, I do see how they treat him. They love him, but they won't love me."

I walked from the room, leaving Yeosang standing there with a shocked look.

Yeosang POV

I was sitting inbetween Mingi and Yunho in the car.

We were going back to the same shop where Jongho bought the puppy for San. The maknae was already little, and excitedly holding and shaking the hands of Woosan in the row behind us.

I kept glancing at Mingi. He looked upset. I know I wasn't the only one who noticed. Seonghwa was looking at us from the passenger seat, and saw his face.

"Mingi are you alright? You're not sick are you?", he asked.

"I'm fine."

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