Accomplice (Little Wooyoung)

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Little: Wooyoung

Caregiver: San


Best friends forever.

That's my motto with Wooyoung. The two of us are inseparable and will continue to be so.

Naturally, when one of us has a problem, the other helps to fix it. That's what happened today.

I was practicing when Wooyoung came in. We got distracted and started play fighting each other. Then, the worst happened.

While play fighting, Wooyoung tripped on the floor and fell, hitting the mirror wall behind him and breaking the glass.

A loud scream echoed across the building.

"Oh baby are you okay?!", I yelled, going to help him up.

I helped him stand and hugged him closely. I checked for glass and moved both of us away from the broken mirror.

"'m sorry papa. I broke mirror...", Wooyoung said, not lifting his head from my shoulder.

"It's okay baby boy, as long as you aren't hurt."

Luckily we were the only ones in the building. For sure someone would have come running if they heard Wooyoung's high pitched yell.

He watched me clean up the glass before throwing it away.

"Okay Woo, we have to come up with an excuse."

"Excuse?", he said, tilting his head.

"What are we going to tell hyungs when they see the broken mirror?"

"Ummm, zombies try eat us and we run into mirrow?"

"Good idea."

"Or! Evil kitty try bite me and I run away, hit mirrow."

"Also a good idea."

My phone rang. I picked it up and almost choked on air when I saw who was calling.

"Heyyyy Hongjoong hyung."

"What did you do?"

"Whatttt, me? Nothiiiing."

"Choi San don't lie to me."

"I promise, nothing."

"Well I'm coming to practice with you and Wooyoung."

"Hewwo hyungie! I wuv you!"

"Oh hi baby! San why did he slip so early in the day?"

"Ummm...about that."

"I'm on my way."

He hung up. I knew we were screwed. Neither of the excuses we came up with would actually work.

Twelve minutes of staring at the broken mirror later and Hongjoong walked in. Wooyoung ran up to him.

"Hyungie! Evil kitty attacked me!"


"I ran from kitty and fell into mirrow! Look!"

Wooyoung pointed to the mirror. Hongjoong audibly gasped and looked at me, slight anger on his face.

"Evil kitty? Really San?"

"Hey it was Wooyoung's idea. I wanted to go with the running from zombies excuse."

"What happened?"

As I was explaining the whole situation to him, he was checking Wooyoung for any scratches or glass pieces. He sighed in relief when he found none.

"I two are a mess!"

"Sorry hyungie. Woo didn't mean to be bad boy..."

"Oh my precious baby angel cherub you could never do anything wrong!"

I chucked at the nickname.

"You on the other hand...shame. This precious angel could have been hurt. Are you okay though?"

"I'm fine. And he is too."

"Forget practice. Both of you back to the dorms. I'll call someone to fix this mirror."


I took the littles hand in mine and we began the walk back to the dorms.

The whole time we laughed at the excused we made. Next time we break something, we'll have to come up with better ones.

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