Jones awakens new power|Tune Accident Part 1

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"Jones!" Everyone yelled full of joy. Zoran cut Kings chest and got back on the ground but Jones used his magma in his legs to speed him up.

Kings head came off his neck, Jones dropped down off Bound Man

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Kings head came off his neck, Jones dropped down off Bound Man.
"ARCHKIPEGO IS OURS!" Yelled Jones. They partied some soldiers remained and agreed to fight Fishnun some didn't and they got kicked out of the town.
Few Hours later
"Liko what is the Tune Acciedent?" Asked Roger.

"Ive heard about it when i first met Martin it was a void nobody speaks about" Jones said.

"The tune acciedent was when the Gold of this city collapsed" Liko said.

"Huh?" Asked Ana.

"He means when Martin's dad died" Haveina sighed.

"Oh. How did this even happen?" Asked Layla.

"It all began 28 years ago....." liko said.
𝐓𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤. 𝟐𝟖 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨| Before Fishnun ruled there was a leader called Edgar D. Neptune he ruled and had a wife called Maria.
"Neptune!" Smiled Maria.

"Are you good your belly looks like its about to blast" laughed Neptune.

"Shut up!" She laughed.

"Ahhh my belly. My belly its coming the baby!" Maria yelled full of pain. Neptune grabbed her and took her to the nurse of the palace and placed her. He went outside and his friend Liko came.
"Heard the news my Brother in law is gonna be a dad" Liko laughed.

"Cannot wait to play around with him or her" Smiled Neptune.

"I'll be the best uncle ever!" Laughed Liko while hugging Neptune. The nurses door opened.
"Congratulations your a father" the women said struggling to smile.

"LETS GO!" He laughed he turned to the nurse. "Why are you upset? Is there something wrong with the baby or Maria?" Neptune Asked.

"WHATS WRONG!" Liko yelled.

"Maria is dying, she lost to much blood" the nurse cried. Neptune opened the door and hugged Maria as tight as he could, she grabbed the baby.

"Did... she tell you.... i am not gonna.. be here much... longer" panted Maria.

"Please you can fight threw this Maria please i cannot live without you" cried Neptune.

"You can, .... I will always be part of this boy. I chose him to live over me he is special, take care of him name him Martin" Maria panted.

"NO! NO! Maria please stay!" Neptune cried. Liko grabbed Martin.
"Neptune, Liko my brother take care of him for me please" cried Maria her eyes slowly closed as she smiled.

"NO MARIA NO NO!" He cried trying to give her CPR. He pressed her chest trying to see if she breathed in. Liko approached Neptune and gave him Martin.

"TAKE THAT DAMN THING AWAY FROM ME!" Yelled Neptune crying his eyes out. Liko took it back and left with everyone, Neptune locked the door and held Maria in his hands and cried he cried he yelled.

"Why me... MARIA WHY DIDNT YOU STAY!" He yelled.

For 7 days he stayed locked in the nurse room, Liko opened the door after the 7 days and saw Neptune crying.

"You have to suck it up Neptune" Liko said.

"Do you know how precious she was to me" cried Neptune.

"I understand us three where best friends since kids. Lets bury her Neptune" Liko replied.


"SHE WAS MY SISTER TOO. SHE WAS MY PRECIOUS YOUNGER SISTER HOW DARE YOU!" Liko yelled while tears blasted out of his eyes.
Neptune turned around eyes widened and he realised what he had just said, he forgot that Liko family found Maria in the streets and took care of her, since she was little. He stopped and hugged Liko. He was suffering way more than Neptune was, he was stabbing himself to not cry.
"Sorry Liko" Neptune swallowed up the tears. Liko stayed silent and just cried more and more, Neptune left the room and went to his finding Martin crying. He put Martin in the bed and took a knife out Martin was giggling.
He then remembered Maria last words, 'take care of him for me please' tears came out of his eyes.
"He killed you maria!" He cried as he went to stab Martin he saw Maria.

"Don't please! Take care of him please! For me" Maria cried.

Neptune put the knife away and hugged Martin he felt the same warmth as when he hugged Maria. Martin slapped Neptune and laughed, Neptune realised that Maria will was in him, this is what she always done too him.

"Maria, your inside our son?" Asked Neptune, Martin smiled and fell asleep. He decided he would take care of Martin.

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