The game test

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You finally exit the conference room and take a breath, walking away as quickly as possible to find the door that matches the number on your wristband.

Number 27

You knew chishiyas was number 11 from the walk to the beach, you never imagined that having a number meant you were part of a weird cult but you knew if you wanted to survive you couldn't cheat the beach. Your thinking comes to a pause when you reach the door with your number, just like Hatter said there were no locks.

You turn the door handle and peek your head into your room. To your surprise your belongings are already there, the necklace was hanging from the bed. Strange? Why wouldn't they just take it? You take a short walk to the window and realise there's a pool, at least you'll have another reason to wear a swimsuit.

You change into the one piece the woman Ann gave to you, you had never been insecure, and you never needed to be. You knew your body was amazing no matter what it looked like, you slipped on your black zip-up jacket and brushed your teeth. The only thing you could taste was the blood Niragi had forced out of you.

Just as you felt fresh enough to relax there was a faint knock at your door, you were surprised to see Chishiya standing there, his hands were in his pockets as usual however his hood was down giving you a clearer view of his face, you analysed him for a moment before breaking the silence between you.

"What are you doing here?"

He looked at you before responding "You have a game to go to."

Panic began rising inside of you, you still had 4 days left on your visa, why now?

"Why? I don't need it." You composed yourself and relaxed your face.

He took a step away from the door before muttering "Beach rules. Your a liability, I brought you here. I have to take you to a game, find out what you're worth".

His words although not unkind seemed to hurt a little, he had nearly left you alone to die in the room with the tagger in the first game yet you still hadn't proved yourself? Maybe he's the pathetic one.

He pulled you out of your thoughts "Hurry up, I don't want to waste my time."

You turned around and threw on a pair of sweatpants and your trusty running shoes. You wouldn't need a T-shirt since you had your jacket and your bikini hadn't been the most revealing. Chishiya paid no attention, instead, he was once again fumbling around with his makeshift taser. You watched his fingers, he knew what he was doing, his fingers moved so fast yet so calm.

"I guess I'm ready" you whisper as you close the door.

You never thought you'd like the beach and even though you hadn't been here more than an hour you wanted to come back because if you did that meant that you lived. You had to live.

When you reached the lobby you heard cars outside and followed Chishiya to the one your group of players would use. He opened the door and waited for you to get in.

Just as you went to thank him he smirked.

"Don't thank me, I didn't hold it open for you it's just simply stupid to let you be the first one out of the car. Who knows you may run away".

You rolled your eyes and looked through the window that was visible to you, the car had you, Chishiya, a girl with locks, Ann and a man with a lot of tattoos. You watched Chishiya look at the girl with locks and she looked back at him, they noise their head in agreement. You didn't know about what but you intended to find out.

After 10 minutes the car came to a stop, and the eerie feeling of death surrounded you. However, you didn't let yourself focus on these thoughts too much. You knew that you had to focus on the game. Whatever it was. You followed everyone else inside. You found it strange how the man with the Tattoos didn't get out but you continued walking. When you got inside you picked up a phone waiting for the registration to complete. Finally the annoying to cheery voice alerted you to the game information.

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