character q&a!

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over the past few years of writing this I've had HUNDREDS of questions and thought I'd select a few and answers from the character pov. not reading this won't impact your understanding of the story but does provide you with a lot of context and insight that you may have missed! I do recommend reading question ten though.

Q1: how did you feel for each other in the beginning and how did it develop?

y/n: I thought he was a dick, he was rude and pretentious but he had no one. I thought a lot about the loneliness i had felt after my sister died and decided that I would be there for him, everyone deserved friends even if they are assholes. I realised that although he seemed to be unwanting of the company he often indulged me. It was the little things like that which encouraged me to start caring for him on a deeper level. I couldn't pinpoint an exact moment that I knew I loved him but I could tell with every passing day that I'd never recover from the emptiness I'd feel if he were to go.

Chishiya: I didn't feel anything for yn for a while. Slowly she became less of an irritation and started to become someone I'd hoped to see be it in passing or to do something together. I hated seeing her in the games though, always a distraction. I can't say I regret my actions towards her but there's times I wish it had been different. I don't think about anything other than reality too much, the reality was we were both at great risk of dying and starting any emotional relationships only gave other more leverage in using it to hurt us. We weren't friends but competition. People had to die in order for most games to be won, I didn't want that to be me but I didn't want it to be her either.

Q2: do you have a favourite moment from the borderlands?

Y/n: whew that's a hard one... I think when we were all at the cabin playing card games, it was silly and felt normal.

Chishiya: the games were thrilling, I didn't hate them but rather enjoyed them. If you're talking about moments with y/n then it would be the times we spent on the roof. Except for that one time yn was hurt and still decided to come up, that was stupid.

Q3: Did Chishiya always hate Kuina? What did Kuina think about Chishiya and Yn? Is chishiya friends with anyone else from the borderlands?

Kuina: Chishiya was like a spoiled brat, he reminded me of those children who were never told no. I knew he could care though, he never let me die even though he says he would have. We are friends now, I even have a key to his apartment. He doesn't know I have it but I thought it would be good so I can plan a surprise birthday party for him. I liked YN instantly, she was so kind and managed to keep that even though the borderlands were what they were. She's the best person I know, well apart from Ann.

Chishiya: Kuina was useful, not exactly smart but useful. Wait, don't show her that, the last time I said anything like that she put salt in every piece of food in my apartment...I don't even know how she got in.... Anyway, I didn't truly see Kuina as a friend until after the borderlands, I knew yn cared about her though so I didn't let her die either. I have other acquaintances like Ann and Arisu, Usagi is still strange.

Q4: what went through YNS mind when she attacked Niragi.

Y/n: wow you're really not holding back on these questions are you? I wasn't thinking about anything other than all the pain he had caused, I probably wasn't the only person he had attacked sexually or otherwise. I don't regret it but I wish I had thought about it more, I didn't want to lose any more of myself to him and if I had murdered him I would have.

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