is this real?

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You jolt up, alarms sounding as you try to figure out where you are. A nurse rushes in, hands out as a gesture that she means no harm as she approaches you and helps you lay back down. "You're at the university hospital, you are safe. There was an accident, a train crashed and you were brought here after suffering blunt force trauma to the head."

"Chishiya." You whisper, the only thing you can think about is him. "Where is Chishiya?"

"What is your name?" The nurse asks, bringing up a small light as she checks your eyes. "Are you able to tell me what year it is?"

You mumble the information asked before asking about Chishiya again.

"I'm afraid I don't know any patients by that name. You seem fine but the doctors will want to run some more tests to be sore. However, we haven't been able to identify a few people that came in. If you're feeling up to it you can have a look?" The nurse offers and you nod immediately. "Okay, come with me."

You lean on her as you walk, your legs weak as though they haven't been used in weeks.

That wasn't true though, you'd run practically every single day in the borderlands. The halls are clean, the sun is bright as it lights the hallway. "Wh-what happened?"

"There was a serious train crash and hundreds of people were hurt, some unfortunately didn't make it."

You wanted to argue but everything was confusing right now, there certainly hadn't been any trains in the borderlands. "When?"

"Three days ago." The nurse responds.  "You've been sleeping."

She guided you into a hall with rooms similar to the one you had woken up in, a few doors were closed but some were open, you noticed a few bodies, people you'd seen at the beach but no one of importance.

"Here is the first Jane Doe."  The nurse opens the door, you don't have to step inside to realise who it is.


"What happened to her?" She has a few marks here and there but nothing as serious as it had been in the borderlands. "Is she okay?"

"Do you know her?" The nurse probes as she looks at Ans's chart.

You nod. "Her name it's- it's An."

"Thank you." The nurse smiles. "She was crushed underneath one of the train doors. Do you remember that?"

"No." You shook your head. "Do you have any patients by the name of Kuina?"

"We did."

"Did?" Your eyes widen. "What do you mean did?"

Kuina wouldn't leave without making sure you and An were okay. You were sure of that.

"Nothing serious." The nurse calmed.  "but she has left already."

"So she's okay?" You ask again, the entire situation still not making sense.

The nurse smiles. "She is. Let's move on and let An here rest."

You don't want to leave An but the prospect of coming across Chishiya in one of these rooms was enough to have your feet moving. The nurse showed you a few different people, some of whom you didn't know, although you did come across Aguni, the man was still unconscious, a bandage wrapped around his head.

"Okay, this is our last John Doe." She informs you as she pushes the door open.

"Oh my god." You pull your arm out of the nurse's grasp, pushing past her to run to him. His hair was tied up out of his face, his hands were cold. "Chishiya."

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Where stories live. Discover now