Rushed words

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You had been walking with Chishiya for nearly 10 minutes and neither of you had said a word, you debated what questions to ask first, and you debated what questions you think Chishiya would find worthy of receiving an answer but you came up empty.

You glanced over at him, hid hood was up but a few strands of hair fell from his face. You could tell he wanted to walk faster from the way his pace quickened but somehow he always managed to end up right at your side. He had taken his earphones out but you could see he was fumbling around with them in his pockets.

He looked over at you and you quickly turned away hoping he didn't see you staring.

"Will you speak" he sounded annoyed at your presence and you began to feel slightly uncomfortable.

You nodded and he looked away. "Why did Kuina say she didn't want to die on my test game?"

You once again peeled over at him to watch his face hoping to see some emotions but there was nothing but a small smirk.

"I explained it to you in the hotel. Are you really that stupid? I brought you to the beach, we had to test you in a game. We always go in groups of 4 sometimes more. Kuina, Ann and I had to participate. Ann knew the answer from a similar game she played before and I figured out most of it within minutes. Kuina knew Ann wouldn't have intervened until there were 5 seconds left, enough time for her to put her keys in. Just before she did you figured it out, if you didn't you would have been killed." He pulled his hands out from his pockets and put his hood down giving you a much clearer view of his face.

You understood why they would test you but why Chishiya remained calm in the face of death was something you couldn't. Kuina and Ann at moments had worried but he didn't. Did he not care?

"Tell me about the beach, tell me why you took me there!" You sounded mad and for the first time, Chishiya looked at you and raised his eyebrows shaking his head.

"Typical" he sighs.

"Chishiya please, it's important to me." He stops walking for a minute and you copy him.

"I'll answer but after this question, I want to know how you cleared the game." You shook your head and he began explaining.

"There's hatter , you met him. Aguni is his number 2, he leads the militants, they are the only ones with access to weapons, that's why I make my own, you can't trust people with that much power, even if they aren't stupid. Then there's Niragi, he's a part of Agunis militant soldiers if that's what you can even call them. Aguni is the only one with real knowledge about fights. Niragi is just a fool with a gun. Ann is good for anything medical. There's not much to be said about Kuina, she's not useless. Most people have a speciality, a game they are particularly good at."

You grew curious at his last comment. "What's your speciality?"

He began walking again and you buried beside him, your arms slightly brushed his and he took a step further away from you before letting out an annoyed sigh.

"First, you tell me how you figured out the game" You knew what he wanted wasn't negotiable and if you had to tell someone it might as well be him.

"The globe has a special feeling, around the continents, there was a material feel in some places. It took me a while to figure out why but when Ann said the name of the book I knew it was the continents. The first one was found in Asia so I knew the rest had to be in the other books about continents. When it came to the locks I was confused, you helped me there. You were right the alphabet would have been wrong, I'm not entirely sure why you helped me but you did." You took a breath and he looked over at you.

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Where stories live. Discover now