Feeble freedom.

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The sky had gone from a light grey to a dark black, the stars illuminating the sky above you. You didn't realise you had become lost in them until Chishiya cleared his throat, your attention returning to the one-sided conversation that you had been trying to have for the past two hours.

"You know we could stop if you aren't strong enough. It's not like I didn't expect you'd need breaks." Despite his words, Chishiyas's voice is filled with concern rather than annoyance.

You smiled to yourself at his unusual worry. "I'm fine but will it be much longer? I'm running out of water." You sigh holding up the almost empty water bottle.

You weren't surprised when Chishiya grumbled under his breath, his patience already growing thin. His hands brushed upon your shoulders as he turned your body towards a large building.

"You see the building?" he mumbles, his breath growing hot on your neck.

"Y-yes." You stutter, your nerves becoming more dominant.

"It's near there. You can have my water I am not thirsty." He holds the bottle against your back forcing you to turn and face him.

Your hands shook lightly as you took the clear plastic into your grasp, Chishiyas's fingers lingering mere centimetres away. You didn't look up but you could feel his gaze on you.

The closeness didn't last more than a second before he was pulling away, resuming his walk towards the distant building. You stood frozen for a moment before scurrying to catch up with him, your mind still cloudy at the close encounter.

"Slow down" you lightly shout, earning a disapproving glare from him.

"Hurry up" he mumbles back, his feet coming to a halt as you join his side, your arm once again brushing against his.

The walk once again grew quiet as you reached the building Chishiya had pointed out to you, it had appeared much further away than it was and for that, you were relieved after all the stress and moving from the beach you weren't sure how much more physical activity your body could take in one day.

You stood back as Chishiya led the way, slipping down a small walkway at the side of the building. You followed behind him carefully, giving him enough room to lead you both in the direction of wherever you would be staying.

You couldn't see much through the overgrown vines against the walls and the complete darkness of the city didn't help. You could barely see when Chishiya held his hand up to you, signalling for you to stop, which you did. Hanging back whilst he walked ahead. You remained alert whilst he disappeared out of sight.

Tokyo was safe but this is still the borderlands. Thankfully It didn't take long before he returned.

"It's this way." He nodded his head in the
direction behind him as he extended his hand. You looked at him blankly for a moment before extending yours in return as he led you around a few more dark corners.

You were shocked when you first saw the small cabin-style house, you weren't even sure these kinds of places existed anymore, especially in a city such as this. It was truly beautiful, you were in awe by the sight that you didn't realise Chishiya had pulled away from you.

You weren't much bothered, your focus remained on the small house. Dim lights wrapped around it, allowing you to see the overgrown flower garden at the front of the house.

A small smile pulled at your cheeks, memories flashing through your mind of the times you and your sister would pick flowers together on the way home from school. You would describe them to her, their colours, their shape and she would ask a thousand questions but you would never once get angry.

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Where stories live. Discover now