My Lifeline (SunKi)

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Do you have something you literally cannot live without? Because so do I. I literally cannot live without an oxygen attached to my body through my nostrils which by the way sucks.

I have been comatosed for like a month now after I almost drowned because of that stupid strap that broke after I bungee jumped. And I couldn't even swim to save my life and I cannot breathe.

So right now, I am standing in front of my comatosed body and I am still unsure if I am dead or alive. I want to convince myself that I am alive tho but no matter what I do, I am really dead. A dead person with a pulse.

I am just seated on beside myself feeling weirded out by seeing myself sleep, the door opened and I saw my family enter and I wonder why they just came.

My sister is just crying as she held my hand and spoke to me while my mom just continuously bit her nail and I already know why this happens to me.

After my father died, he left almost all his assets and savings in my name leaving mom with only his assets in the company and my sister the whole ass mansion. The company he owned is also named to me added to that, the private resort is also in my name. Cars and the penthouse plus 100% of his savings account.

Because I am already 18, I already can access all the wealth so I managed to enjoy a bit and went bungee jumping with my 'friends'.

I don't want to suspect them in anything because they're my family but I can't help but think about it. I have always been my dad's favorite because of course, I am a good son and my sister is always a brat. So if ever I am dead, all of the wealth my dad left me will automatically fall into the hands of my mom and sister. Those two are always planning a scheme.

They may or may not even planned on my accident so that I will die this instant but tough luck because I am tough.

After their drama, they smiled at each other as my mom wore some gloves making me nervous. Are they going to unplug my life support and kill me here?

Slowly, my mom reached out to the electric socket but before she could even touch the plug, the door opened and I let out a sigh as they immediately moved away.

I turn to the door to thank whoever entered when my breath was caught in my throat when I was met with the most gorgeous face I have ever laid eyes on. He's a nurse? Or a doctor? No he's too young to be a doctor but he's wearing a doctor's robe.

He raised a brow towards my mother and I smiled at how sassy he looks, I like it.

"I'll just do some inspection. Please step away from the machines"

My mom sweats as she stepped away from me and the doctor plugged in one of the plugs that my mom almost pull out.

"Do you know that even if you pull out this plug, it won't kill the patient? You just unplugged the air conditioner. If you noticed, there is one corner in this room that contains all the electric sockets . . . So if you are planning on murdering the patient, better luck next time"

My mom was fuming as she stomped out the room and after the door was shut close, the doctor let out sigh before checking in everything on me, well on my unconscious body.

"No worries, you'll live. You're lucky I am the doctor assigned to you. If I am like other lazy doctors, they would really kill you a while ago if I'm late with my rounds. . . you can trust me, I may be young but I am an expert in my field. I am not really like the doctor doctor but I assist your doctor. Your case is serious so even if I am an expert, I still need a senior to assist. . so rest well and you know wake up soon because even if I enjoy seeing your pretty face everyday on that bed, I will love it more if I will see you awake. . . I'm curious on how you are when you're awake so wake up quickly yeah?"

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