~Ikeu Ikeu~ Pt.2

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Morning came and we spent it like normal mornings and due to our theory that if Jake is able to fulfill his wish then he will return, I decided to give him the attention he wanted even if it means I have to deal with all the baby stuff. From his size and how he can crawl, I can assume his age is more than a year old already. Or is he less than one? Can one year olds walk?

I just finished bathing him and he's wrapped in his fluffy towel as I place him on the bed to dress him.

"Jakey, . . after you, I will need you to behave ok? I also need to wash up. . "

I finished dressing him before I fixed his hair. I then look him in the eyes and I can't help but pinch his cheek. I saw his photos as a baby before and I think I already melted but seeing it up close personally makes me wanna cry at how adorable he is. I grab my phone before I snap a photo of him seated on the bed with eyes wide open as he look around. I can't, he's too cute.

"Oh, are you finished bathing already?"

Heeseung hyung entered as he carried Jake into his arms. Somehow, he doesn't throw a tantrum when Heeseung carry him compared to Riki who looks terrified that the moment I place Jake in his arms, he began to shake making the baby cry.

"Do you wanna eat?"

Who knew hyung has a lot of aegyo in him? I don't even know he baby talks.

I immediately washed up and not long after as I am changing into a new set of clothes, I heard him cry again as series of coos are heard all over the dorm but after a while of Jake calming, he again cried as he look around. When he saw me on the entrance of the living room, he jumped off of Jungwon's hold and crawl towards me.

I picked him up and he held onto my shirt like his life depends on it.

"What's wrong Jakey? . . "

He rubbed his face on my shirt when I heard series of clicks making me roll my eyes at the members who snapped photos of us.

I rubbed his face making him giggle before I place him on the floor where the others play with him while I went to the kitchen to grab some food. I ate some rice and chicken before I head back to the living room where I saw Jake with his baby bottle while they're watching Billy Poco on the TV.

I smiled when the members began to tell baby Jake who is who in the video while the clueless baby just stared at the TV. When I appeared on screen however is when he reacted.

He squealed as he pointed towards the screen.

"Oonie oonie!"

And when he saw himself, I can't help but let out a chuckle.

"Ikeu ikeu"

I remember calling him that before.

He's just so adorable.

However, when the video ended, the cutest pout I have ever seen on someone made its way on his lips as he turn to all the members, specifically Sunoo who has the remote.

Billy Poco played on repeat for a good 30 minutes and none of us are complaining because we're not watching it, we're just watching Jake's reaction.

After Jake got tired, he rubs his eyes with his fists as he searched for me again so I picked him up and into his room we go.

After he fell asleep, I was pulled outside by a panicking leader.

"Big problem. Manager nim is summoning you to MuBank studio on Monday for the rehearsal of your special stage with Wonyoung. . . the rest of us must go to the hospital to get tested before we proceed to do any activity. . .Now how can we tell them about Jake hyung?"

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