Tamed (JayWon)

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A man nervously fiddles with his fingers as he sits on a luxurious couch with armed men around him. Sweat formed on his forehead as his mind went on with an alibi to his boss.

The unknown man knew he was caught as the spy from his boss' enemy and he knew he messed up real bad but he hoped that his made up alibi will work on his boss, besides, his boss is less scary than the real deal, his brother.

The door then opened and his heart almost stopped when his most dreaded nightmare stepped into the room. Whom he expected as his boss is not the one he's face to face with but his boss's brother.

"From your expression, it is clear to me that you're not expecting me and that the alibi in your head is now messed up. . . I'm sorry to disappoint you but my dear brother is not available today and he sent me to be the one honored to take your life no matter how much detailed your alibi is"

The man is speechless and the temperature in the room dropped by how cold the boss's eyes are. The man stood up trying to make his statement.

"Boss. . .I . . .-"

A strong punch landed on the man's jaw sending him literally inches away from where he originally was standing.

As expected, Yang Jungwon is not feared in the mafia world for nothing.

Yang Jungwon, the new named successor of the organization his ancestors built and was passed on to generations. He grew up dealing with weapons, drugs, fights, violence and wealth. He knew the ins and outs of the mafia world and he's the perfect candidate to take over his father.

The moment he took over, other organizations cowered in fear as none of them escaped the young man's radar. He busted drug operations after drug operations, sent drug dealers one by one to prison, arrested and jailed numbers of murderers, robbers and even officers from government position.

What started as an anti government organization was flipped by Jungwon and his father to an organization secretly backing the government to arrest illegal dealers and many more cancers of the society. Not only is Jungwon skilled in fighting but is also a good investigator and detective all at the same time.

With the help of his half brother and almost a twin brother Kim Sunoo, a computer genius, no one can walk pass their eyes. His cousin, Sim Jaeyun. the brains behind all financial matters makes it easier for them to spend less and earn more. And lastly, a powerful connection in the government, Lee Heeseung, the son of the one and only president, the group is almost impenetrable.

Their organization is a secret to the point that no one speaks of them in public or they'll be punished.

Unfortunately for this man, not only did he speak of the organization to their enemies, he dare to expose some of their plans and operations to the enemies making them know how to counter.

If not for Jake finding it out, they would have been doomed. The worst thing is, Jungwon is pissed because he just came from the president's house and found out about how they have been stabbed at the back by one of their trusted men.

Now, Jungwon is senseless and is aiming for a kill. . . . no not only a kill, a torturous kill, and the unlucky man is about to face the doom of being killed in the hands of Yang Jungwon.

Jungwon is feared in the organization, everyone fears him except his older brother Sunoo.


On the other end of the spectrum, the school bell rings indicating that classes has ended and students exit their classrooms as chatters filled the hallways with countless students all discussing about numerous things either their subject, their teacher, their classmate, their scores or their plans after class.

In the middle of the chaos, a student walks alone with his headphones on with a soft tune playing in his ear and a book on hand not caring one bit about the fiasco he's in. Students bumped him but he care not, he just fixed his glasses and continue to read.

He reads his book until he reached the school garage and was immediately approached by his friend/neighbor, Park Sunghoon.

"Hey, can I stay over at your house tonight? Dad will be bringing in the 'new addition' to the family. .. . I hate it . .  just thinking of strangers in the house gives me goosebumps"

Jay rolled his eyes towards his friend as he entered the car with Sunghoon following and sitting on the driver's seat.

"Those strangers are your stepmother and stepbrother you psycho. . how can you say that? . . "

"Well I don't like them ok?"

"You gotta understand your dad, I mean, it's not his fault he fell in love with your stepmother"

"No, it's not his fault but it is his fault my mother died in the first place.  .  . so is it a yes or no? Can I come over?"

Jay seeing that Sunghoon won't leave him alone just nodded as the drove back home.

Park Jongseong, aka Jay is a normal university student who wants nothing but to graduate and leave to Washington for good. At least there, he has a family waiting for him, unlike in Seoul.

This city is the reason he grew up an orphan. When he was little, Seoul is drowning in chaos with drug dealers left and right, murderers everywhere, robbers and gangsters ruled the streets. No where is safe and even your own house isn't safe. Jay was twelve when he lost his father to a random shooter who literally fired a gun in the middle of the hospital his father currently was working as a surgeon.

Two years later, robbers entered their house taking not only valuables but also his mother's life leaving him alone the next day after police found him hidden in his parent's vault. With no one to turn to, Jay relied on himself to survive.

He never believe in justice because he never experienced it. But what he do know is peace. Despite his surroundings in total chaos, he has peace in himself making him oblivious to whatever chaos is going on. He sees crimes everyday, he just didnt want to get involved because he will then be disturbed. He sees injustice, but he didn't give a damn, it is normal occurrence anyway.

You can say he's selfish but for Jay, he's merely trying to survive just like everybody else.

He only has himself to rely on.

Sunghoon is the only one he cared about at the moment. He's the only person who actually gives a damn about Jay.

Upon reaching Jay's house, both male exits the car and into the house they went. Sunghoon found his comfortable place in the person of Jay's couch as the latter sat on the chair beside the couch and turned the tv on.

The news is on and it talks about being careful as authorities were alerted with another threat as suspicious ships arrived at the port and no one knew what was it about. They however found a lead that it carries drugs and weapon.

Mafias, they're someone Jay doesn't want to get associated with because he knew their lives are nowhere near peaceful, they're not living, they're merely surviving. There are multiple mafia organizations in the country and Jay will never understand their deal. They're just placing their lives at risk trying to kill each other.

"Do you think there are mafia organizations that are like secret spies of the government?"

"I doubt that. . . they're just there to give the government a migraine while endangering lives of innocent people for their own pleasure. . ."

"Hey, don't judge . . not everyone is bad . ."

"Coming from you . . .why don't you also not judge your stepmother and give them a chance?"

Immediately, Sunghoon shuts up . . .


Just a brief intro . . .

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