The School Cutie Pt. 3 (JayWon)

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It's been a few months since Jungwon and I had that conversation about us trying to be, you know, together and let me tell you, these past weeks have been awesome and heart warming.

Jungwon is just so right in my alley. He's adorable, naturally I may add, he's so pretty at the same time without even trying, and he's so soft. Every time I held his hand, or hug him, he always feel so squishy but at the same time, his punch is so painful. His punch I think is the most painful punch I have ever felt in my life so far.

Don't ask why he punched me because I am being a genius and scare him from behind so I got a straight punch in the stomach cutting my air for a few seconds. And you know what? After he realized it was me, he began to apologize and carefully made me lay on the couch as he went to get some ice. He's so cute and it's not like he almost knock my soul out my body a few minutes ago.

In addition, he's so gentle. I can't even describe it like I have watched him make a cake and the details and how he execute the decorations are so on point.

I cannot possibly enumerate everything about him but I can tell really that we're born for each other. Like we're meant to happen. And I'm so happy when he told me how he felt like we're a perfect pair.

I didn't officially ask him to be my boyfriend but we're acting like one and so I have come to the conclusion that I will ask him to be officially mine, well my boyfriend.

However, I'm currently in my tenth video or movie but I still didn't get any idea on how to ask him. I cannot just walk up to him and be like "Hey be my boyfriend?" Hell nah.

I have to come up with something special. But my eyes are already tired.

How do I do this?

Ok so flashback, Sunghoon asked Jake to be his boyfriend in a dog cafe with all the dogs lined up and spelled the words he wanted to ask.

Riki asked Sunoo the same question by making his own version of mint chocolate ice cream which is by the way so delicious unlike the ones in the stores. We were shocked by Riki after that. The kid made mint chocolate from scratch.

I don't want to compare but I also want to do something that Jungwon loves just like how these two did.

Just then, I heard my dad's car pull up the driveway and I had an idea. I jumped off my bed and went downstairs because I know that Dad will stay on the couch for the mesntime before going to their room.

"Hey dad . ."

"Why are you still up?"

"Dad, I'm planning to ask someone to be my boyfriend. . any suggestion?"

A laughter echoed in the living room making me look at my dad. What's so funny?

"Listen, that's simple . . use your resources"

He smiled at me immediately assuming I got it right but unfortunately I didnt. What resources does he mean?

"What? . .I'm confused"

"Well, most of guys like you would focus on your lovers interest. . . but if you wanna make it memorable, it also works if you introduce him some of your interest. . or make him experience something new. . . that would be memorable as well don't you think?"

"Oh . . now I see . . thanks dad. . I'm gonna go think of things"

"Hey take it easy . . "

I suddenly have a lot of ideas in mind.

Alright for a few months I found out Jungwon likes cats, well of course he looks like one tho. But like me, we're both allergic to them. On the other hand, he loves baking, we're not baking nor cooking, also, I won't be bringing him to a fancy restaurant because we already went to one and it's not gonna be that memorable.

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