The Photographer Pt. 3

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Being with Sunoo for the day is like a new experience for me. And tonight, he's with me again as he will be watching the singing matches. Well, to also give moral support to his cousin who participated in the same competition. I wanted to invite him tomorrow as well for the pageant talent portion but I'm too timid to do so. I'm afraid he might find me weird for inviting him to events.

I am seated on the front seat as I have a press ID and the writers as well so I'm quite sad to say the least as I am not with Sunoo but I will just do my best and capture moments that are worth sharing.

I turned on my camera and I browser through my shots when I got a message from the runner a while ago.

"Hey you at the venue? I have here the SD card from a while ago. Madam said she hasn't deleted all the photos . . she thought you might need some of them"

"I'm at the front seat already. ."

A few moments later, he arrived with a grin on his face and with an open laptop as a bonus.

"What's with the laptop? Jen already has her laptop ready to update. .."

"Ah . .. No no . . sunbaenim, this is for you to send the files from the SD card to your phone before we delete everything and use it again to capture more photos"

I took the laptop before I scrolled through the images and a smile didnt leave my face. I forgot how I randomly took stolen shots of Sunoo a while ago with the school camera.

"Yeah . . I indeed need these photos. . thanks"

I sent everything to my phone before erasing all the contents of the SD card and hand back the laptop to the runner whom I share the same name with but I will just call TaKi.

Not long after, the competition started and I immediately went to position to capture photos of the MC, the judges and a small glimpse of the audience. Man, this whole area is packed and this is the biggest hall in the campus. It can hold up to 1000 people and yet, it is still not housing more watchers.

But then, I'm used to this. I'm almost graduating here by the way.

As I take pictures, let me tell you something about me.

So, I have a scholarship in this school under the journalism club and joining this club helped me pay half my tuition fee and the other half was covered by my scholarship. I have to be with the school paper or else, I will have to pay the other half of my tuition fee.

I actually don't need a scholarship as I can pay my tuition fee no problem because, well to keep it short, my family's one of the elite families in Japan so paying a tuition fee is no big deal. But, I just don't like to waste money on useless things. Thats why I don't buy those high end brands because I can always buy the same clothes that serve the same purpose on more than half the price of the brands.

I spent my money on things I know I can use for daily living. So the reason that the university sees me as a poor person is because I don't wear branded clothes or accessories, nor have the fanciest cars in the country. Why would I drive a car when Jay hyung is willing to drive me to school?

Jay hyung, Sunghoon hyung and I live in the same apartment. Jay hyung was new before as he grew up in America and was just here during his freshmen year, just like me.

So, when Jay hyung arrived, he is immediately glued to his half brother he met like 24 hours ago.

The two of them were weirdly close despite their mothers not on the same page. When I was looking for a place to stay, Jay hyung kind of like 'adopted' me because according to him, I look like a lost lamb in the crowd of wolves. So I stayed with them since then. And they knew about my background and believe me, because of my habit of spending money, they have been influenced that their father, Mr. Park was shocked at the amount of money he's paying for their credit cards, according to his own words, "are you not starving yourselves? Seriously, I'm paying nickels on your credit cards"

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