I-Land - Signal song (JakeHoon)

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I had the privilege to enter Iland among the three of us who went there as a unit. I was with Sunoo at first but he sadly was voted out and now, I am alone in here with no one familiar to me except Heeseung hyung because at least, he felt comfortable to stand close with.

Among everyone else in here, I can only stand next to Heeseung because at least the others felt so scary and cold. Even Ni-ki, looks so intimidating. I don't know if being here is actually a good thing for me.

When I found out that I have the same age as Sunghoon and Jay, I am excited because I thought I would have a circle of friend as we're the same age but because they're the only surviving unit, they stick to each other and I got really insecured if I should join them. So in the end, I just follow Sunghoon around because unlike Jay, he looks less scary. However, with many attempts, he's just so cold and I got scared that he might get irritated of me following him so I turn to Heeseung hyung because he feels so warm and I feel like he can be someone I can rely on.

However, when the signal song, or the first mission was given to us, I then began to see what really is everyone like and I remember what this show is, it is a survival show and a competition. Everyone has one goal, to survive and to debut so they will do everything to survive.

K, Heeseung and Niki really stands out in everything especially dancing so the others turn to them for help and I can really see the exhaustion in their eyes because they also need to practice their part. Some turn to small groups of three to practice together. However, Jay and Sunghoon just stick together and they surprised me when they already mastered the dance routine together that others also turn to them.

Everyone is doing well, except me.

I'm not getting some of the moves and I am yet to master my part because it is short and I don't know how to stand out to have a higher score. While everyone mastered the dance, I am struggling so when we practice as a team, I tend to hide.

I also noticed how everyone wants to be close to Heeseung and I can understand because he's really kind and helpful and it is like if you get his attention, it is already a golden ticket. Not only Heeseung tho, because despite being so closed off, it looks like they also want to be noticed by Sunghoon and Jay. I have seen that if they don't want to turn to Heeseung, they went to Jay but Jay seems to only notice one person, Yang Jungwon. He always stops what he's doing when Jungwon calls for him.

I also want to approach them to ask for help but whenever I attempt to, Heeseung looks so tired that I will feel so bad asking for help. I also can't approach Niki because he looks so depressed and I'm scared I might stress him. I also can't approach K hyung because he's always missing and I always can't find him and when I do, he's either practicing or teaching other trainees.

I happen to approach Jungwon and thankfully, he taught me my part but still, I can't get the other steps because it is either i look awkward or funny.

I also happen to ask help from Sunghoon but because I'm too nervous, I can't tell him what I really want help from.

If being close with Heeseung hyung is a golden ticket, being noticed by Sunghoon alone is almost win from itself. I don't know why but from how the contestants act around him, it looks like it.

We're all practicing when the producers come to check on our performance, I am suddenly on the hot seat because I was one of the people who were given a not so good comment.

After the interim check, everyone got tensed that they all got together to practice. Heeseung hyung focused on those who were vocally struggling and Riki and K hyung were split to tend to those who were weak with dancing.

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