Into the Island Pt. 2

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After Jay reached the surface, that's the only time he realized how he is pretty far from the crash. He swam to the direction of the other half of the plane and began to look around. It is a disaster but the wrecked plane is nothing comparing to the fact that he lost all his siblings.

He began to get tired of swimming so he grabbed the torn off roof of the plane and another part that was ripped apart and managed to ease himself up the plane roof. His legs are shaking and his arms are numb but he grab the paddle like part of the plane and began to paddle around the scene constantly calling his sibling's names.

Lots of time have passed and Jay is unsuccessful in finding even one of them.

Because of exhaustion and the scorching heat from the sun, Jay didn't even realize what was going on before his vision went black and good thing he fit onto the plane roof/mini boat.

Sunghoon is slowly feeling tired of swimming here and there and his head is about to burst as the sun is so hot and he can feel it burning through his flesh.

His body began to shake as his vision began to blur and it is not helping when he spotted what looked like a wave approaching his direction. That's when he realized, as he swam and swam he is swimming farther and farther from the location and now, he's alone with nothing to hold onto but a wave that is now slowly coming towards him.

He tried to swim but the waves knocked him off, sent him into the waters leaving him unconscious and as he floats to the surface, the waves then carried him farther and farther away.

Far far away from the voice that was then calling his name.

Gena swam as fast as she could when she spotted the familiar blonde hair of her brother. She knew that person could be anyone but she was sure because she knew her brothers so damn well she can identify them perfectly no matter the distance.

Gena was loosing hope because she is now alone and she can die here and no one will ever know but the moment she turn to her right, she saw her brother.

She called but he didn't hear her so she swam as fast as she could but she was too late when the waves knocked Sunghoon into the waters sinking Gena's new found hope. But it's not too late, she still follows the direction Sunghoon is a while ago and not long after, she saw his body floating on the water as it was being carried by the waves.

Gena followed him not knowing where the wave is taking them but one thing for sure, she would be with her brother.

Riki woke up and realized he's still on the same spot he was before that freaking wave literally knocked the air out of his lungs.

Because of the heat, he went farther away from the sand and under a tree he has no idea what tree is. His knees are shaking, his stomach is growling and his body literally lost its strength.

Leaning against the tree, he looked up at the clear sky reminiscing those moments where they will play in their pool and all the pranks he used to pull towards his older brothers when they're in the waters.

Riki sat there in wonder.

"Hey Mr. Sun . . please tone down the heat. . my brothers and sister could still be out there in the middle of the sea. Please don't give us a harder time than this . . . "

Riki would've laughed at himself for talking to the sun but now, the sun is the only one he can talk to right now. As he glance at the sky, he closed his eyes as he let sleep take over him again.

On the other hand, Jay woke up from his sleep and immediately went into a state of panic when instead of the wide blue sea and sky, he got washed up on dry land, more specifically a rocky land. Nothing is sand because everything is rock. There is even a huge cave so Jay ran into it trying to escape the heat and thankfully he did because the cave has a flat surface with some moss or something soft and green laid down over it making it like a bed.

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