Past, Present, Future Pt.3

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I am fiddling with my shirt as I prepare myself for the huge favor I will be asking Riki. I know it would not be nice to be talking about my *sigh* ex in our bedroom.

I want to officially end everything with Sunghoon before starting a new with Riki, well at least if that's what he wanted. I really hope Riki wanted to be with me longer than one year because I don't know how to go through my pregnancy alone. I don't even know how to do this.

"Baby, you alright?"

I almost jumped on my bed when he spoke.

"To be honest, something's been bothering me"

"What is it?"

"Can I really tell you whatever it is?"

"Sure . ."

"Well I met a stranger a while ago. . he's also pregnant. . the one who got him pregnant was Sunghoon. ."

"Excuse me?"

He looks more mad than I do when I found out about Sunghoon from Jake.

"I'll just make a phone call"

"Wait - -"

"Hey . . I want to track down someone. . yeah, I will send you a photo and a name. . I want it ASAP"

After typing something on his phone he brushed his hair back in frustration as he turn to me.

"How far long is Jake with his pregnancy?"

"Six months"

He's too stunned to even say a word.

"What? He knocked someone off while still is in a relationship with you?"

"He told Jake we broke up because I'm getting married"

"I'm sorry .  ."

Just like that, his head is now bowed as he gaze at the floor defeated.

"I will find him and when I do, I will make sure he will have a good explanation for you . . "

"Riki . . you don't have to . . .- -"

"He hurt you . . not only you but Jake and the worst of all, his child who will probably grow up asking why his father didn't like them"

I just let myself fall into his embrace as my tears fell. I haven't cried after I found out and all the tears are now being released from my eyes.

It hurts. Here I am trying so hard to hold back my heart from running to Riki because I believe Sunghoon is waiting for me but then, it is just me and my illusions because Sunghoon has left that heart without me knowing.

He should have told me he don't want this anymore so I won't get shocked like this. It's just so sudden.

I fell asleep crying in Riki's arms.


I don't know what to feel right now as I stare at my husband's sleeping face with tear stains on his pinkish cheeks. I want to comfort him and tell him that I'm here but I cannot fully do that because heck I'm mad.

I'm mad that I want to call my men and search for Park Sunghoon, and bring him to me no matter what. I mean, Sunoo made it clear to me that we will stay like this until one year. Because it is a requirement for couples to be at least one year in a relationship before a divorce.

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