Flower Garden SunWon

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[Hello sxhniki !! This is my first time writing with this pair but I hope you will like this]


Sunrise has always been my favorite.

I know many people don't like it because it means sleep is over but I love it. It all started 10 years ago when I was like 9 years old.

You see, I have this friend, he's a year younger than me and he's the cutest fluff ball you could ever lay your hands on. We were literally inseparable because first of all, we're neighbors and second of all, we literally are like two pieces of puzzle that perfectly fit with each other. I mean, I have never met anyone that could really understand and get along with me very well than him.

Oh he's Yang Jungwon by the way.

He was a baby when they moved here and then we grew up together but then 8 years later they have to move to the cities because his parents got a more stable and permanent job there. So here I am, left alone without my bestie beside me. Well, it's fine tho because we always call and chat and facetime whenever we can.

So, after he left the province, he gave me something to remember him with, his necklace which I still wore up to this day, and he left me a promise.

He promised me that he will return soon but after one, two, three years, he never did. We are in touch still and then he told me that after high school. he will come back and we will go to college together. I held onto his promise that day and began to make my own countdown of the days that passed.

Every sunrise kept reminding me that the days of waiting is closely coming to an end and we will finally meet again. I can't wait to see him, to squish him and basically be with him again.

I busied myself with my grandmother's flower garden. Out of the blue right? Well, my grandmother had this beautiful flower garden and when Jungwon and I are kids, we would go to the garden and pluck the flowers of different kinds for my grandmother to sell in her own flower shop.

You see, because all of grandma's kids went far away to work or build their family including my dad, I don't want to leave her alone so with my parent's permission, I was left here with her to help care for her and her garden. Jungwon and I are always with her back when he's still here and she will teach us how to wrap the flowers and arrange them beautifully into a bouquet.

Tourists who visit and manage to pass by her flower shop are always so stunned by the flowers she is selling that some of them always come back that I can recognize them already. One funny memory before tho is when Jungwon and I went again to the garden and we made a bet that whoever picked the most beautiful flower must be carried by the loser back to their house.

The garden isn't that far but we as kids sometimes just get lazy for no reason and make a bet like that.

I remembered that we both picked sunflowers but in my case, my sunflower that time was gorgeous. It has no imperfections on it from the buds to the stem and the leaves. Jungwon however had a cut on the leaf making him loose the bet and at the age of 8, he carried me on his back to grandma's house making him exhausted. I can't blame him tho, I'm slightly taller than him that time so.

Anyway, after I graduated high school, I know Jungwon still has a year to go so I asked my mom if I could wait for Jungwon to graduate before I enroll and she agreed. I helped my grandmother in her garden and the flower shop everyday and after that, we would enjoy an a stroll around town or stay home and eat.

And because of my long narration, I am already finished with my bath and I am now heading to the kitchen to help grandma or basically just watch her as she cooks breakfast.

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