Butterfly (HeeNu) FINAL pt. 2

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[Lol I'm not satisfied with the ending so forgive me for another chapter 😂 so, here it is]


Nabi was running around the mall as she held my hand so tightly pulling me with her to the clothing section where she stares in awe at a black dress decorated with silver and white shiny butterflies.

I look at Geonu hyung who just smiled gazing at our daughter.

"I don't know if it's her name but she has some great affection towards butterflies. . ."

I just watch them as Nabi continuously rummage through the clothing aisle for some more clothes with butterflies on it.

I never thought this small get together would feel so good. I mean, it's my first time to go out with my own family whom I just met yesterday.

Just then my phone rang and so I answered it without bothering to see who as I'm more interested in seeing Nabi and Geonu have a mini debate on which is the prettier dress.


"Why didn't you tell us you're back in Korea? We really have to hear it from our neighbor who saw you there yesterday?"

"Mom? . . alright I'm sorry, it slipped my mind"

"Well, I will come to visit you tomorrow. Did you see the text your brother sent you?"

"Not really, why? What's in it?"

"Read it. . . anyway, I'll be coming tomorrow"

I opened the text message and I don't know but something was stirred inside of me.

"Heeseung-ah, your nieces need some money for school. Maybe $5000. And if you can, I would like to borrow some money, for the house. Don't worry it's nearly done. . "

Yup, just like usual.

They would call me and text me if they needed money. At first, I don't mind because they're my family but as the years went by, the amount they're asking me is getting higher and in the end, I am suddenly supporting a family of 8 people, my parents, my older brother, his wife and their two daughters plus my sister in law's brother and his son.

The last time I checked their social media accounts, they're living a good life only to find out that my brother was fired from his job and his wife can't get one. The brother is working but it's not enough and my parents stopped working the moment I sent them my first paycheck amounting only to $5,000 that is 10 million won.

With that amount, they quit their job and live the life like a millionaire without my knowledge.

But now, I have my own family to pay attention to. It's time to also take care of my daughter right? I've been taking  responsibility for my brother's daughters. Now that I have my own, he must also do his responsibilities as their father.

I know my mom will ask for money again tomorrow. Should I just stay at Geonu hyung's place tonight? I hope he won't mind. Because honestly, I don't know if I can face my mom tomorrow. I don't even know if I should introduce my daughter to her. After all these years of them lying to me, I don't know anymore.

The things money do to people.

"Daddy? Are you ok?"

And almost like magic my attention was fully onto my daughter who's holding onto my pants before she lifts her arms up wanting to be carried.

"Aww . . I'm jealous baby. . why don't you do that to me too?"

I laughed at Geonu's 'sulky' face as my daughter just giggled wrapping his arms around my neck. I can't even imagine what would have happen if Sunoo and Riki didn't decide to get married here.

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