One More Chance pt.3 (JayWon)

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I may not know him very well but what I saw hurts me.

For one, it is clear that he had a traumatizing past that involves getting beaten and that is in line with him not eating a lot of food too. The next thing I found out is that he seem to have experienced body shaming before leading him to practice eating little or nothing at all. Lastly, there is obviously one person in his past that did all of these to him.

That person could have body shamed him that it made him not eat. Body shaming him couldn't have been enough for that person that they literally are making him starve. They hit Jungwon or even beat him when he ate like three spoons more. Lastly, there is a possibility that it is not one person doing this to him in the past. It could be that there are more of them.

Threatening, one top reasons why he didn't ask help in the first place.

From the brief moment we had, I came to the conclusion that the threat  has something to do with his body.

He seems to be sexually harassed too.

No normal person would allow a stranger to see them naked even in their most vulnerable state unless they're used to it. As I have mentioned, he didn't flinch when I put some alcohol on his wound making me conclude he's used to being wounded.

Him just allowing me to open his robe even if he knew he's naked underneath also tells me that he's used to it. You can only be used to that when you always do it.

He could have been stripped off almost on the daily basis. And if a psycho always hit him and beat him up, it is no surprise to me that they can strip him naked for their own entertainment. They could make him do things as they watch with their group or watch alone.

Or the other scenario could be that he was threatened with a video. I mean, they could video him striping and threatened him that if he said something, the video will be all over the Internet.

And the worst case scenario are those two happening together and not just one of them.

Could it be that he was assaulted? Raped even? That I don't know and I'm not sure but the possibilities are high.

The only way for me to know the answers is to ask Jungwon himself.

However, I dont know how to make him tell me his story when we didn't even have a decent interaction except that night when I saw him with cuts all over him. There is like no closeness in us whatsoever.

But, the urge inside me to help him, to know his past, and more. Indeed, there is more than meets the eye for him. I mean if I try to get through him deeper, I can, it's not like I have something or someone to loose at that. It'd be worth trying out, I mean, not because I just want to know his story but because something inside me is screaming for me to do so , to help him.

Currently, he's seated in front of me as he reads through a sample financial report from his empire. The training we have been doing for the past month had been paying off for Jungwon as he agreed to come with me to the company.

His grandmother is actually surprised when she saw the two of us in my office one time. I can't blame her tho, Jungwon is learning quickly and it made me think that making him stay home is such a waste of talent and energy. I now realized how Jungwon has been living his whole life in loneliness. Apart from the past hardships and such, his own grandmother seems to not give that much of a care to him and only sees him as an investment.

For more than a month of us actually interacting gave me a chance to get to know him better. There are basic things we shared like our favorite foods, activities and hobbies.

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