Worth it (SungWon)

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[Hello -Minnie_Latte- thank you for this plot and I hope you'll like it]


I woke up from the sunlight on my face and my arms immediately went to the space beside me making me frown early in the morning when I felt it cold and empty, it means he's been away for a long time.

It's been going on like this for months now. We just had our third anniversary and after that, he changed. He is always busy and always not around.

By the way, we're talking about my boyfriend, Park Sunghoon. We've been together since college and have been together for three years already. I mean, we have fights and all but we always find ways to fix it however, nowadays, he's been away almost every time.

I know I shouldn't be worried that he might cheat on me but I can't help it. I kept thinking, what did I do wrong or what have I been doing that is driving him away from me? Could it be that he's really cheating on me?

I noticed how he's been with Jake most of the time.

I took out my phone and checked for a message from him but I got nothing and I can't help but open my Instagram account. Immediately, I saw a post from him and he tagged Jake. It is like a venue for something but it is still under construction. And from the flowers on the floor, I can tell it is something romantic.

Why is he tagging his ex?

The thing is, Jake and Sunghoon were together first before I came into their lives. The two of them are literally soulmates. They grew up together but they broke up because after high school, they're on different paths. Different mindsets and they're not on the same page anymore.

I can still remember how Sunghoon was the first time I met him. He's a total wreck.

It made me think that he is with me because no one was there for him except me. Maybe he doesn't really love me at all. He just puts up with me because I didn't gave up on him.

It hurts to think about it but it could be true.

Now that Jake is back from abroad, I am suddenly shoved to another side of somewhere Sunghoon won't see me.

I washed up and changed to my work clothes before I exit our house. Yes, our house. We've been living together in an apartment for the whole duration of our college years but after graduation, I don't know where the heck did Sunghoon get the money from but he bought us this house and from then on, we started to live like married couple. Except now, it seems like I'm the only one thinking that.

I mean, he asked me out first so it somehow gave me an assurance that he likes me or am I wrong?

Anyways, I went to work and by the way, I am a finance manager and I work in the company of my best friend's husband.

I envy him you know.

"Jungwon!! Hello- - wait, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Sunoo . . its just that, Sunghoon, he's still the same. I'm scared, what if he broke up with me?"

His eyes widen and before I knew it, he immediately dragged to to the CEO's office and like he owns the place, he entered the office with me in his hold.

"What the heck is your Snow White of a cousin's problem?"

His husband, aka the CEO, aka my boss just look at us obviously startled before he cleared his throat.

"Snow white of a cousin?"

"Yeah, your cousin, Park Sunghoon. What's his problem? Is he planning to go back to Jake and dump my best friend just like that? I swear to God Park Jongseong, if tout cousin messed up with my best friend I will divorce you"

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