One Bite (JakeHoon)

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[Halloo!!! This is from jeontaehungv 😁 I hope you will enjoy this!!!

- Smut
- Student x Teacher ]


I did my daily routine of waking up, washing up and drinking the antidste to not burn under the sun. Being a vampire is actually not easy especially when you're living in the human world where you can hear fresh blood running through their veins.

I have been living with the humans for years now and I have seen generations emerge and new buildings and infrastructures are created.

I have worked different jobs, lived with different identities and finished many degrees. I have so much time and money to spare that I don't know what to do with my life. As a non human creature, I of course need to adapt and eat their food. I can do that but I need blood to survive. Good thing there's a thing called a blood bank. But I cannot just avail it because the blood is for medical purposes, well, to me that is for drinking purposes.

It is not easy but a little bit of hypnosis works making me have a supply of blood.

As time passed, I began to feel guilty because when I worked as a doctor, there are times when we ran out of blood that is the patient's type in the blood bank and I know I might have caused it because I will just get any of them.

After being a doctor, I stopped buying from the blood banks and I turn to live animals.

Their blood tasted bad but I stick on to it because guilt will always wash through me whenever I think of the blood bank. The faces of the loved ones of that person who died due to lack of blood still haunts me and I can't bear that.

Generations passed and now, I am currently a professor at a university. I just graduated but I am very skilled that they university immediately made me teach college. Why won't I be skilled? I have been learning everything for years.

Currently, I am walking to my next class and the moment I stood in front of the door, a very sweet smell hit my nose making my fangs almost pop out but I know my eyes are red.

Shit that smell is amazing.

I calmed myself before checking my eyes on my phone.

I entered the classroom and immediately, it went silent and everyone looked at me as my eyes roam around the room searching for that amazing scent.

There he is.

Seated at the edge of the classroom is an unfamiliar boy I have never seen in the halls of the university.

"Professor Park?"

I glance at the dean who entered the classroom giving her a bow before she stepped in and handed me a file.

"He's Sim Jaeyun, he just transfered here from Australia so I hope you will help him because his Korean is not yet that good. . . you're the youngest teacher here so I thought you would know how to help him"

"Ah, that's no problem dean. It will be an honor. ."

"Alright. . have a good day"

"Thank you, you too"

I glance at the paper in front of me with the student's name and I can't but smile at the adorable 2×2 photo he attached on his enrollment form.

"Everyone, before we start we have a new transferee in the university. Mr Sim, can you please step up to the front to let your classmates know you?"

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