Matchmaker Sunoo Pt. 3

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I flopped on my bed with my cheeks hurting from smiling for like two hours. I can't even believe I can smile for that long, I mean, I am not a cold person but I definitely haven't smile this long non stop and I want to blame a certain puppy faced person.

He's really cute when he tried to deny the fact that he is not puppy faced but is wolfish. I can't see the wolf yet tho, just some cutie if you ask me.

Did I somehow developed a crush on him? Hell yeah. Those chats he sent me on Instagram, I can't help but smile.

However, someone is also doing the same to me, the unknown person behind the unknown number who also sent me texts that make my heart skip a beat. Whoever that person is obviously has a thing for me. I don't mean to be so full of myself or anything like that but it is just the way he messaged me and how he replies to me almost immediately whenever I sent him a text and he also told me he likes me. I know he's a 'he' because he said he's a boy who's too shy to even come to me.

He's really so adorable whenever he will send me good morning messages. One time I asked him to meet me but he refused because he's not ready and I respect that. I asked him to come watch me play tho, it's just a shame he didnt tell me what he wore or at least where he was seated.

Is it bad to feel the same for two different people? But I met Jake and I still haven't met the person texting me.



Today, is the day of the game and we're more than ready to crush them and win the championship again for our school to finally beat our own record of five wins in a row.

The first team tho was an easy one because, it is either we're too skilled or they didn't have practice because we've been leading and the final scores was like 25-15.

Our next team was also easy with the final score of 25-20.

It went on like that and in the end, we're playing for championship against a really great team. I'm nervous now because I'm exhausted as heck.


It is now the championship game and we just arrived at the court. It is the first game of the day before the other games on the sportsfest will start.

I am stretching when I saw our captain enter with a huge grin on his face as he approached me and Jay.

"Can you guys help me? I'm asking him out"

Ah finally.

Our captain is asking out the person he's been whipped to for ages. He has liked him since the first day of college.

"Finally!!! What should we do?"

"First, we need to win the championship, after that, Jay you will grab the bouquet I placed in your locker and bring it to me the moment I ask him to be mine. Sunghoon, I need you to inform the coach about my plan. He might end everything before we even start. . "

"So you will ask him to be your boyfriend after our game? What if we don't win?"

"We need to win Sunghoon no negative thoughts for god's sake or I won't help you with your crush"

"Yah! This is Heeseung hyung's problem not mine. . and of course I will win. . gosh"

Yes,we've been friends for a while now and I couldn't be more thankful. Anyway, if this will go well, we won't have to worry about our captain growing old alone.

I mean, Lee Geonu is a really lucky guy for Heeseung hyung to fall head over heels for him. I can't blame my friend tho, Geonu hyung is an amazing guy.


*time skip*

I ran with the ball I snatched from the opposing team and with seconds left, I can hear the crowd going crazy, I look at Heeseung hyung who's been blocked by the other team's captain, I saw Jay near the basket but he's blocked, I saw my whole team blocked and are not open except me. I look at our coach who looked nervous and I can't blame him, the opposing team is leading by a point and I need to nail a three point shot.

"Park Sunghoon you can do it!!"

Sim Jaeyun, I didnt know you can shout.

I look ahead and the basket looked closer so I dodged a player and released the ball. Before the last second beeped, the ball went into the hoop indicating our win and the crowd became crazy as my teammates crowded around me with us tossing our captain in the air.

Our coach then joined us to receive our trophy and the mic was given to Heeseung hyung while Jay left the court making the crowd confused. I know I did a good job for telling our coach about the plan because he didn't speak and just hand the mic to Heeseung, he understood the assignment.

"I know I am supposed to give a speech but my mind is mush right now to think . . . "

The crowd cheered giving him a thumbs up and I can't help but hide my laugh to how much he's shaking right now.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team for achieving this award with me. . thank you coach for being the best cheerleader to us. . and lastly, I want to take this chance to thank a very special person. ."

The crowd went crazy.

"Geonu hyung . . . "

And that crazy turned crazier.

"I want to ask you something. . ."

Geonu hyung is shaking as he fixed his gaze towards Heeseung hyung.

"I always tell you how much you mean to me and that I love you . . . today, I want to see you and i officially be together. . I hope you want that too. . .hyung, will you finally make us official and be my boyfriend?"

The crowd screamed when the big screen in our gymnasium showed Geonu and Heeseung hyung as they are about to be official.

Heeseung hyung gave me the signal to one of my part so I went to Geonu hyung and handed him a phone with Jay's number on hold.

"If your answer is yes, tell Jay to come here and if your answer is no, tell him to stay put. . . "

I almost want to cry because I myself have seen the special bond Heeseung and Jay shared and to give Jay a special task in this event is to me, a beautiful scenery. Jay for sure would be so happy that Heeseung hyung will finally have someone to love and someone to love him.

"Jay, please don't spoil this for me and do as you're told"

We laughed because there is a chance that Jay will tease Heeseung on this special event.

We all held our breath as Geonu was seen speaking in the phone.

After he returned the phone to me, everyone was looking at the door where Jay hyung just exit to.

Just then, the door flew open and we all got shocked together with Heeseung hyung when a whole ass band entered playing something that I can tell from first hear is for victory.

Geonu hyung looked concerned so he ran down the court to Heeseung and was about to speak when the crowd cheered.

Jay is walking through the door with a huge ass bouquet on hand. That looked expensive. How did Heeseung hyung afford that?


Jay gave the bouquet to Geonu before we all give the new couple a moment, and by moment, it is the exiting the court.


After what happened, I tried to look for Jake from the sea of students but I can't find him. It is weird because he is with Sunoo and Jungwon but even them don't know where he went.

I quickly changed my jerseys and went out to look for him.

He was just in my sight a while ago and after Heeseung and Geonu hyung disappeared, he also was nowhere to be seen.


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