Tamed Pt. 2 (JayWon)

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I just got home after an arrest and closure of a huge and popular bar in the city. It has been the den for many illegal activities and meetings of different organization. The owner of the bar is a huge businessman with a ton of money who is an American so the reason why the operation for this arrest took some time is because the government have been chasing the wrong suspect.

Police officers has been searching the whole country when the criminal is relaxing in his luxurious penthouse at the other side of the Earth.

And the FBI really waited for months before deciding they cannot solve this case and then come to me, finally. Goodness, after seeing all the files and every process of the investigation, it is clear as day that the person they're running after is not a Korean citizen. So finally, they did a joint investigation in the USA and boom, they arrest them.

What I now worry about is the fact that I manage to attract attention from the foreign country and I know this is not good for us because that organization is powerful as heck. They have worldwide connections and shit and the one I manage to make the police arrest is one of their biggest men.

I am actually worried now because with the situation, it can only go two ways, they will kill me and everyone involved in my organization or they will like me to work with them.

Working with them might be a good option but the problem is, I don't want my people to be slaved. I know those kind of people, they will look like they're interested in you but in the end, they will just take you in to be a guinea pig for their deadly experiments and I wouldn't want my people to be under them.

I laid on my couch as I began to think of ways to be able to escape their radar when I remembered Heeseung hyung. The president can help us, I hope.

I dialed his number and when he picked up, I immediately told him about what I think and what I want just in case my theory is correct.

Hyung then asked me to meet him at his house because his father is currently there.

Despite my tired mind, I stepped out my house and into my car. I was on the road when a motorcycle passed me firing the guns towards me making me immediately duck as I stepped in the brakes. My car was being silently rained on by bullets out of nowhere so I abandon it and ran instead. I blindly shot back as I took shield using the numerous cars or even houses.

While running, I jumped into an open window of a random house and good thing the lights aren't on. A few minutes later, I heard them coming towards where I hid and began inspecting the house.

"Look, the window is open . . I think he went in there . ."

"I don't think so. . look, there are blood trails here and he went straight. . he got shot so no way he will go away that easily . . come on . ."

Blood tracks? I'm wounded?

I then noticed how the left side of my abdomen is bleeding, and now that I see it, it began to hurt.

I stood up and went out the house as I walk to nowhere in particular. I tried to locate where I am but the place looks so unfamiliar to me and it didnt help that I am having blurred vision.

Before I knew it, I fainted.


I opened my eyes expecting to be facing a torture chamber but instead, I saw a bedroom. I am in a luxury looking bedroom and my wounds are patched up and they even bandaged me.

I sat up and immediately hissed when my left side began to hurt. Not only my left side tho, my right leg also seem to have been shot.

What a good day to not wear a bulletproof vest. Who were those people after me anyway? From numerous people out there who wants me dead, I don't even know how to identify, it could be anyone.

The door opened and a guy about my age entered and upon seeing me awake, he walked over with a tray of food and medicine before placing it in front of me.

"Eat up . ."

He just casually place the food on the bed before turning towards the door.

"Wait . . . where am I?"

"You're in my house. . I found you in front of my house a while ago. you have gunshots on your abdomen, leg and some scratches on your face. I would normally leave you there or call the authorities but if I do that you would've bleed to death from waiting for an ambulance so I brought you in instead . ."

"You look so young to be a doctor . ."

"I grew up following a very expert surgeon, I learned a thing or two about the basics of taking out bullets. . ."

That's impossible, learning by watching cannot be.

"How deep are the bullets?"

"Not that deep, that's why I managed to take them out before you bleed more . . ."

"You didnt think of bringing me to the hospital?"

"Eat up, . "

He left the room leaving me with a lot of questions

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