Babysitter (SunKi)

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I gently placed the baby in his crib careful not to wake him up before I went back to my work on my laptop. I feel like my head is about to burst from the stress I am currently going through.

I am working full time at the university not as a teacher tho but I am in the administration office so I handle paperworks and stuff.
(I don't know what the work is there in the admin office I'm sorry)

My head is throbbing so I went and took some painkillers before I resume my work. Just then, my phone vibrates and I saw it was my mom.

"Mom? Riko just fell asleep, please speak quietly as you're on speaker. My two hands are occupied right now"

"Oh . . I'm so sorry baby. If only I can come there to help you with Riko, I will but - -"

"Mom please, I'm fine don't bother. I am planning to hire a babysitter soon so someone will help me really. . just take care of yourself and your grandkids. ."

"Riko is also my grandkid. . ."

"Yeah, but noona is not there and there are like what three kids there you're looking after so don't worry about me. I can handle this"

"Make sure to take care of yourself too OK? You eat your meals and don't skip"

"Alright mom don't worry. I'm fine really. ."

"Ok good night then. Continue your work tomorrow, and go to sleep"

I hung up the phone and a yawn escpae my lips indicating that I am really sleepy so I entered my room and checked on Riko before I slid into my blankets and sleep took over me.

It's a good thing I have no work tomorrow, I can finally work on searching for a babysitter.

Now I don't like the idea of strangers looking after my son but I really need a helping hand because unfortunately my son's other father decided to leave us after Riko was born. The nerve of him to even name our son. I mean, he could just tell me he doesn't want us anymore and such but no, he decided to just dump me and my son like an idiot he is and join some stripper girl he met in a bar who looks like Annabelle. Ah no, even Annabelle looked more human than her. I'm not exagerating, I'm describing.

So yeah, I need a babysitter but how can I be able to look for someone I can trust? What if they kidnap him? Or hurt him? Or won't even feed him? Goodness me, I'm doomed.

I just closed my eyes and the moment I am feeling sleepy, Riko decided to wake up. Great.


The next morning, I prepared our breakfast and I feed my son before I opened my laptop about to browse for some agencies when my mom called so I picked it up and I can hear my nieces and nephews in the background.

"Baby, I have an idea! . . you remember our neighbor when you're a kid?"

"Ah Konon noona?"

"Yeah, her. I haven't told you that her brother was home like a year ago. . her younger brother"

"She has a brother?"

"Oh yeah you didn't know. . my bad but her brother has been helping me a lot with my grandkids and he's really good with babies like little Riko there. . I was wondering, if it's alright for you, then I can ask him to come help you in there"

"What if he has something else to do?"

"He told me he is waiting for a call from the company he applied to so for the mean time, he will help you. Well at least at this moment that your paperwork is taller than you . ."

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