This is not what it looks like (JakeHoon)

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My boyfriend, Park Sunghoon is again late for the date HE scheduled himself. Can you believe this guy?

I just left the coffee shop after thirty minutes of waiting for my boyfriend.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sunghoon with all my heart but lately, he's been distant. He's always on his phone texting or someone is calling him and now, he tried to make it up to me but failed miserably.

I don't know why he's suddenly acting like this but whatever the reason is, I am begging the heavens that he's not cheating on me because the last time that happened, I almost killed myself.

Sunghoon has always been my savior after my previous breakup and I have broken my walls for him. He entered my life gracefully after Jay set us up after his figure skating competition. For three years, we've been so happy, we argue but we always make up and I can say that those three years are like the best.

I just love him so much, I hope he does too.

I went back to my apartment and immediately went to bed. I didn't bother changing my clothes because, what's the point?

I opened my phone and I went to our school page to update myself if there are no classes tomorrow and indeed, I rejoiced when I read the words "HAPPY LONG WEEKEND STUDENTS". The teacher's conference has been rescheduled and it will end on Sunday. Nice one, I have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to sleep and not think about my boyfriend.

However, as I went to the trending topics, I saw Sunghoon's name with the headline, "PARK SUNGHOON'S MYSTERIOUS GIRL". Attached to it was a photo of Sunghoon at the airport with a girl beside him. I think he went to pick her up as he's holding her suitcase.

That girl is clinging on his arm and he doesn't even seem to mind it.

Please don't be cheating on me I beg of you.


When I woke up the next day tho, my lovely boyfriend is seated on my bed facing me.

"What are you doing here??"

"Get ready love, I'm taking you out"

Although my heart did a 360 flip, I didn't faze because I know this tactic, he's just guilty from yesterday when he made me wait thirty minutes for him. I bet he forgot.

"No thanks. . I'm sleepy"

I covered myself in blanket as I felt his body behind me as he literally is spooning me. How is he much taller and muscular than me? Makes me feel tiny.

"Please? . . . I passed by a new cafe and it reminded me of you. . it's a dog cafe . . it's a twenty minute drive from here. . "

"No, thank you . . . I can go to any dog cafe I want. . "

"Please? . ."

I sat up as I glare at him.

"You can't always do that now Hoon. . . you ignore me and that hurts. . it won't heal by just some hours at a park, a cafe or a road trip. . You scheduled that Hoon. . I made sure that I finished my worksheets early and leave the class early because I could be late but guess what, I am not late because there's no date. . . just be honest with me please. . . don't hurt me over and over again like this. . . If you're really sorry, you won't ignore nor neglect me again. . .but it kept happening, what was that? And yesterday, I waited and you could have texted me that you are busy or you are at the airport"

He sat up and carefully held my hand as he tries to calm me down because obviously, I'm close to having a panic attack.

Come on, I'm waiting for another reason. Reasons that are never ending and it always drives someone crazy thinking if they were true.

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