Comforter (HeeKi)

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[Zayakhan07, thank you for the wait and I hope this will be worth it

- Abuse
- Fights
- Mentions of murder]

{Note: this is not a romance between Heeseung and Riki}


Riki is clinging on me for dear life as we enter the university and I can't help but hold onto his hand to at least comfort him. He's been having a hard time lately.

His parents have been fighting for like months now, yelling at each other and throwing things at each other. And that kinda made Riki so scared of loud voices and violent verbal fights. He had a trauma on those things and it is really so sad considering how he's really an energetic and outgoing kid.

After his parents began to have huge fights, they will sometimes turn their anger towards him. They will barge in his room and call him names and blaming him for everything. Riki can't help but just curl into a ball shaking in fear as a chance of a really hard object will hit him.

He only have me to be there for him and I feel really bad because I can't do anything to help him. I want to help him but I don't know how because one, Riki doesn't want to report his parents to the police and two, Riki doesn't want to leave his parents as he feared that they might kill each other.

He said that if they will get really violent, he can at least prevent that or if he's there, someone will call an ambulance or someone will help them to not kill each other.

Everyday, he will come to school shaking in fear as students will always shout at each other.

It also didn't help that this school is home to idiots who thinks it is a nice idea to pick a fight everyday. Boys will throw fists at each other while yelling curses here and there and girls will literally just have a wrestling match in the middle of the classroom as they call each other names.

They will only stop when the bell rings.

"I'm here Riki . . don't be scared"

It is nice that we are in the same class. The thing is, I am also one of those students who fight with each other before but after I met Riki, I decided to protect him from the students I once was.

"They won't hurt me right?"

"They won't. . and they won't dare to"

The students here kind of are low key scared of me so attacking Riki will give them a ticket to my fists so they won't touch my baby and I'm glad for that. Still, I want to be there for him until he can stand on his own or until I know he's safe from any harm.

The professor entered the room and we all settled.

Well, except this certain student who has been a pain in the ass of this school whom I don't want to deal with, Nicholas.

He is seated on his seat with his feet on his desk making the professor annoyed early in the morning.

"Mr. Wang! For the last time foot off the desk!"

He just smiled at the professor and I can tell, he's really pissed and is close to blowing up.

"Remove your foot!"

He yelled and Riki flinched making me immediately hold his hand.

It escalated quickly when the professor took his book and threw it towards Nicholas.

And knowing Nicholas, he's not looking pleased.

"My foot does nothing to your horrible teaching of physics does it?"

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