Signed ???

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"Baby you are not doing this"Laddoo said pulling my hand
I tried to explain her but she was adamant."no you are not doing this"she screamed at me
"No,but I am doing this"I told her with a patience tone
"Oh so you love his property not him ,you are most welcome to be with me"Vijay said with a evil smirk
I was furious on his words
"Shut up you fucking asshole I love him .he is not like you ,he is fucking endgame do you understand"she screamed at the top of the voice
I grabbed the water and made laddoo drink it .
"So are you signing or not"Vijay asked with a furious tone
Before I could answer "no he is not"Laddoo screamed
"Then fine I will upload the picture"he said and took out his phone
"No no please don't do that 😢"I said with tears
"I will sign"I said going towards the desk
Laddoo held my hand
"Baby will you not love me if he shows this pictures to the world"she asked
"No baby,I will love you till my last breath"I replied kissing her on the forehead
"Then why are you signing"she asked with a puppy face
"Because I don't want anyone to tell anything about you .If they tell I will kill them and go to jail ,and you will be without me,you want that"I questioned her
"Then let me sign then please"I told her 
She told ok with so much disappointment.
I was lost as i didn't know what I will do .
I walked towards my desk where there was the papers ,I signed it .
Vijay went to take the papers ,but I grabbed it
"Delete the images now" I ordered it
"Or the papers are not yet registered,the papers will be registered tommorow,so if you don't delete it then.."as I was about to say
"I will pass the phone and you pass the paper"Vijay told
As he told I handed the papers with great disappointment and he gave me the phone which has the photos
"How do I believe you that you have given the photos and you don't have any"I questioned with doubt
"I don't have parents ,but I have a nanny who has raised me so I promise on her"he replied looking at the papers and examine what and all he had got.
I believed him as I knew what he was talking about.
As I was walking out of the office ,laddoo interlocked her hand  with mine
I saw her eyes,it was filled with guilt ,I gave her a hug ensuring her that he was not at fault .
As I opened the door
"Hello excuse me mr Karan"Vijay words stop me
"I know everything of yours including the suit ,the Rolex watch on your hand and the shoes" he said
"So what"I asked
"Remove it and go"he told with a stern voice
His words first shocked me to hell
"What the hell is wrong with you"Laddoo screamed at him with a loud voice
"Nothing I own it so I want it"he told with a cold face
"What the hell do you own it is still his"Laddoo relied
"Excuse me miss,I like my stuff clean and if his dirtiest it then"he replied Laddoo going towards the ceo chair


Hey lovely people
Thank you for having patience and waiting for the upload

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You guys are showering so much love .I am really overwhelmed.please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please )

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