Sweet Stranger

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Karan POV

One month passed so swiftly that I did not even realise. Th wedding is in 6 days from now and we will be leaving to the destination tommorow.

Teju and Karthik choose their wedding to be in Udaipur. They wanted a royal themed wedding. They decided to do it in The Oberoi Udaivilas. It is a beautiful place. It is surrounded by greenery on its side.

 It is surrounded by greenery on its side

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"Papa" My princess voice brought me out. I smelled something burning and I realised I had left pizza in the Oven.

I quickly ran to the oven but had no luck it was brunt. This was the last piece left.

I saw Pihu walking towards me and I saw her and shook my head. She hit her head with her small palms and shook her head.

"I am sorry," I said

"We can go out and eat," I said and she nodded. I quickly cleaned up the kitchen and went to the Hall. I made them wear their hoodies and we went to the garage. I took my black Audi Q7.

I placed them both in the back seat and settled myself in the front.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked them

"Can we go get some pasta?" Pihu asked and I nodded my head.

Within a few minutes, we were in front of a restaurant. It was not 5 star one but it was a good one.

I got ourselves a seat and ordered our food. Pihu took a white sauce pasta, and Dhruv took kickedi. I will eat whatever both of them will
Leave. Both of them can't eat it full.

Within a few minutes, the food was here. I fed Dhruv and I also finished eating. After paying the bill when I was ready to go home when Pihu called me.

"What happened baccha?" I asked her

"I want to go to washroom" Pihu said.

"Come on let's go" I said holding her hand leading to the washroom.

I saw there was only male and female washroom.

Shit there is no kids washroom here.

I searched around bout found none. I can't take her to the gents washroom nor can I walk to the female restroom.

"What happened papa?" Pihu asked

"One minutes beta let me search for some staff who will take you" I said she nodded.

I was looking around but there was no one.

"Excuse me, any problem?"  I heard a sweet female voice.

I turned around to see a lady in an ethics wear looking at me.

"Sorry" I asked not getting what she meant

"I asked if you had any problem, as you looked worried" She said

"Yes actually, my daughter wanted to use the restroom, and I couldn't get in" I said not knowing what to say.

The lady smiled at me.

"It's fine, I will take her" She said

She forwarded her hand to Pihu and Pihu took her hand. Both of them went to washroom.

The lady was so sweet to agree to me. Because nowadays no one cares about others.

After 5 minutes both of them came out. The lady had a sweet smile on her face.  A plus point was that she had dimples just like Pihu

"Thank you" I said giving her a  grateful smile.

"Anytime"  She said.

I was about to ask her name when her phone rang.

"Oh they came, Ok Ok I am coming" She said cutting her call.

"I will take your leave now" She said ran to the other side.

"Papa who was that lady?" Pihu asked me

"A stranger probably" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Yes a sweet Stranger" Pihu said and I smiled at her

"Indeed a sweet stranger" I muttered under mu breath.

I took both of to the car and made them sit.

"Do you guys need ice cream?" I asked and both of them nodded their head.

I chuckled and drove to our regular ice cream place. We took the ice cream and sat on marine beach facing the sea.

It had become a routine for all of us including Teja to come here whenever we had dinners. We would just sit here for hours to let ourself sink here.

Today she is not here but her presence is till there. She is starting her new life from tomorrow and I hope let her life be filled with happiness and joy.

I looked to my right and left to see both my kids eating their ice cream enjoying their day.

"Want to play?" I asked and both of them nodded their head in excitement. I removed my shoes and let my feet fell the sand.The sand reminded me of the great time whereas The little pebbles which pricked me reminder about the huge change in my life.

"Let's go" I said pulling both of them. We were playing catch catch in the beach forgetting about all the tension and difficulty.

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Short chapter but please manage. This is the best I could give you guys now.

Do you guys want me to end the book or continue?

Preview: let the celebration began

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