Stronger together

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Karan POV

The Roka ceremony went on well and it was decided that In one month from now the wedding will be held.  Teju wanted a destination wedding. All were chatting with each other and I realised that I should head home.

"Baba I will leave.  Kids will be waiting" I said and he nodded. I got and decided to leave.

"Karan" A voice stopped me. I turned around to see teju standing there.she came and stood towards in front of me. She folded her hands and I looked at her confused.

"Where are you leaving ?" She asked and I looked at her

"Home" I said shrugging my shoulders

"You should be here Karan, I need my best friend" She said

"Teju I need to go, kids will be waiting for me" I said. The actual reason was to escape from here. I knew I couldn't control my emotions.

"Ok I will let you go, but you should promise me that you will take care of the wedding rituals" She said forwarding her hand.

I placed my hand on hers.

I promise laddoo I will scarife the whole world for you

I sat in the car and started driving towards the mansion. My hope was crushed down. I felt like the whole world is against me.

I parked my car in the basement and took a long breath.

You can do it Karan.

I walked to the door to be attacked by two monsters.

"Papa we missed you" They said in chorus and I smiled at them.

"I also missed you my bacha"  I said kissing their forehead. I picked both of them and walked towards the hall.

I sat on the floor and made them sit around me.

I took a deep breath. I looked at them to see them staring at me.

"I have something to tell" I said slowly and both of Them nodded. I was nervous and tense.

I guess by looking at my face they guessed something was wrong. They looked at me intensely.

"I need to talk to you guys about mumma" I said and their ears went sharp.

I didn't know why God had to cruel to me. Atleast not for me but for our kids, I hope her memory comes back.

Why did our fate have our journey like this?

Why does this hurt so much?

"Papa tell fast" pihu said

"Yes papa I am waiting" Dhruv said.

"You guys know right Mumma had memory loss and the doctor had told them that she would be dead," I asked slowly and they nodded their heads.

I could feel tears in their eyes. I pulled them close to me and made them sit on my lap.

"Mumma loves someone and she wants to marry him," I said and they looked at me. They busted into tears

I felt like a bad father. No father can take his kids crying.

"Why are you guys crying?" I asked wiping their tears

"Mumma will marry someone then she is not out mumma right,"  Dhruv said.

"Bacha look at me, What would your mumma tell you guys? that you should be strong right" I said and both of them nodded their head.

"Mumma has forgotten us but we have not for her right. We will always remember her in our daily lives, Don't worry she is just physically away from you guys not mentally. Whenever you miss your mumma you tell me I will be your mumma" I said and both of them hugged me. 

A lone tear slipped from my eyes. 

"We are stronger together,"  I said and they nodded.

I am happy that my kids are smart enough to understand the situation. They are probably the best kids amongst everyone.

"You guys want to eat pasta?" I asked and both of them jumped. I smiled at them.

"Come on let's go," I said picking them up and going towards the kitchen. I was about to enter the kitchen when the kids stopped me

"What happened?" I asked and Pihu gestured to me to come near her.  I went near her and she hit my head with her small hands.

"Papa freshen up," She said and I gave her a puppy look. Both of them laughed and Trust me I would do anything to keep that smile intact.

I placed them in the hall and went to my room. I picked up the clothes and was about to enter the bathroom when I realised my finger is empty

I was about to panic, but then I remembered now I don't have right on it.

I turned on the shower and let the water carry the pain along with it. Isn't it the beauty of water that it can wash your sorrows away without letting the other person be aware of it?

After a quick shower, I dressed myself in my casual wear and went down to see both of them playing.

I know how they must be feeling, I even know they are trying to be strong for me. I am a bad father. 


Short chapter but a second update of the date.

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