The haldi

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Karan POV
After sometime I got up to see her sleeping like a baby.Her head was buried in my chest and her legs were wrapped around my waist.It was 3 in the morning. I slowly got up from the bed kissed her forehead and left with writing a note.I went to my room and laid down thinking about my life's new start from tommorow .I just rested my head on the bed rest and closed my eyes thinking about the memories and I didn't realise when sleep took over.

I got up with a sound of someone knocking the door.I stood there looking at my mom's face.

KM:oye puttar get ready it is already 11 your haldi will start  at 12 .
Karan:ok ma

I got ready in a yellow sherwani with a yellow coat and a white pant.I looked  at myself and smiled .In less than next 24 hours my life will change.I will be a husband to the love of my life.I just Chuckled at my thought

I just Chuckled at my thought

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Teja POV

I got up with a heavy head.I saw the time it was already 10 .I got up to see a water and medicine with a note on my side table.the note read:

Good morning Laddoo
I know your head is bursting with Here is the tablet for your last night hangover.Take it .It will reduce the pain.Let's meet at the ceremony.

Love you
Your future husband

I Chuckled seeing the letter .the words "future husband" was running in my mind .I got up to get ready .I wore the flower ornaments.

Karan POVI got ready to reach the place of the haldi ceremony

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Karan POV
I got ready to reach the place of the haldi ceremony.The hall was beautiful decorated and there was a screen in between .Laddoo was not yet visible .

Laddoo was not yet visible

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They made me sit on a side.I was thinking about meeting Laddoo somehow.
KD :oye puttar don't even think
Karan :what thinking papa?
I asked in a innocent way
KD : I know you are trying how to meet Teju but you will not be no meeting till the marriage.
Kd: kya hai
Karan: please

I asked with a puppy eyes .But it had no affect on him.My mom came and started the ceremony.The other side Teju mom started the ceremony for Teju .I tried all the ways to meet Teju  but it failed.I gave up and sat in the room.
There was Song playing and everyone was dancing like people with no tension.
After a wonderful time I entered my room.I  freshened myself to see the time was already 4. I called up Laddoo
Laddoo:hello love
Laddoo:hi sunny
She literally screamed that I had to take my phone away from my ears
Sunny:oh meri  ma shant ho ja .I need to have ears for my future kids and grandkid's
She chuckled
Karan: your laugh is contagious
Sunny:nothing I told that I will fall more because of your laugh .
I didn't realise when it was an hour .she cut the call telling her family was calling her .
It was late in the evening so i got ready to go out but my mom restricted me from getting out .so I sat in the room and binged watched some shows.It was already late so I ate my dinner and tried to sleep.
But due to excitement sleep was far away.I sat up and opened my phone to see my wedding invitation .I just smiled

I just smiled and rested my head

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I just smiled and rested my head .I slept in no time.I was excited as well as nervous.


Hey lovely people
Thank you for having patience and waiting for the upload
As I told I am busy with exams so here is an update.secondly the dates are on a random order so don't take the dates seriously.
You guys must be wondering where did she vanish so don't worry I am back .
I had important exam and a family function so I was really busy so don't worry I try to  start uploading  on alternate days.
I know the upload is short but please manage .lots of love and wish your good health of you and your family

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You guys are showering so much love .I am really overwhelmed.please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please)

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