What is the future

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He crossed his legs and spread it on the table "you can't do that ,remove your leg from the table right now"Laddoo screamed
"Why"he asked
"Because sunny doesn't like it"she replied
"But the office is not his it is mine"he replied with a evil smile
"And remove the dress right now"he looked at him
"No he will not"Laddoo replied
"You name the price and I will pay you"Laddoo told.
"Baby relax"I whispered on her  ears
"It's ok I will remove"i replied preventing them from further fighting.
I went towards the desk and place my watch and wallet.I removed my shoes ,my coat ,my tie ,my rings,my bracelet and most importantly the belt
For me that was a heartbreak
I was a person who loved accessories and my watches were my precious collections
My shoes were like life to me .It had so much value .my belts showed my success .My tie showed my power to the world I always believed that a person who dresses well always achieves success.
On the thought of losing everything I was wearing right now ,it showed my loss of power and status ,I knew I had my love of my life present with me but also I couldn't control my tears
So I rushed to the washroom and splashed water on my face .I looked at the closet to find some alternative clothes but I was unsuccessful
My wardrobe was filled with branded shirts and shorts.It had multiple suits and accessories which now did not belong to me
Suddenly I remembered that I had a pair of simple shirt and pant Laddoo had brought for me as I was working at the office .so I wore that simple dress and shorts.
I came and handed over the clothes to him
He threw my name plate on the ground and I picked it up.a shining thing came out of my shirt
"The chain"he told seeing my neck
It was the most beautiful chain .It was a gold chain with most studded diamonds which I and laddoo had wore as a token of promise
"That is not sunny's it is mine so I am taking it"Laddoo replied before I could not say anything.she pullled me towards the door of the cabin
I was on barefoot after a long time.I was on a causal shirt and shorts with a chain and a name plate.the only relief I had was that I was with the love of my life.I knew she will be there for me .this thought gave me a small smile on my face
"See the fate,the King Karan Kundrra who everyone used  fear is now without a power.the well dressed  Karan kundrra is now without slippers.It is all about a girl" Vijay said laughing.His laugh was echoing in my ears
I had decided to show him his level at that moment.
As I walked Laddoo noticed my hand had turn red with blood which was now dried up
"Sunny what happened" she asked looking at the cut
"Oh this happened when you fainted and I broke the glass to get water.in all this drama I forget"I said with a pale face
"You don't care about yourself do you" she said and rushed to the medical room when I sat on the chair opposite to my cabin.
She immediately brought a first aid box
"Why do you do this to yourself"she asked
"Baby it is nothing it will heal soon"i replied
Without uttering a word she dressed my bandage and made me get up from the seat.
She interlocked her fingers with mine ensuring me that I will always be with you
This gave me peace in between this chaos
As I walked outside of my cabin towards the gate,I had shattered.I had no words.I had not regretted the decisions as knew I would have scarified the world for her.


Hey lovely people
Thank you for having patience and waiting for the upload

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You guys are showering so much love .I am really overwhelmed.please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please )

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