The horrible exprenince

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As I walked out of the office,my driver came running to me
Driver: "sir where do you want to go and which car"he asked me
"Now it doesn't belong to me"I replied with a cold face
I walked towards the exit and sat In an auto as laddoo requested me.
I didn't know what I will do now.
We sat in an auto and she instructed that guy to go somewhere.I was not interested in knowing where were we going
She looked confused and I knew she had a question in her head .I even knew that if she doesn't ask me the question she will explode
"What is the question"I asked
"Do you read my mind"she asked with a smile
"No baby I read the face of my love"I replied kissing her on the cheek
"Didn't you try to get the photos from your best  cyber team" she asked
she knew that my cyber team was the best in the world we would have done many stuff in a blink of the eye
"Baby not to offence he is the best in the cyber.I would have appointed him as my cyber head manger if things would have gone in my way. He was one of the best candidates I had interviewed after my people."I replied with a slight smile
"Oh okay don't talk about that idiot"she told
We had reached our is one of the best designer shops of Mumbai
"Why are we here" I asked
"Because I want to be"she replied
Before I could say anything she pulled me
She took me to the most expensive store .I pulled her back and asked "baby why are you doing this"
"I know you like to be dress up so..."she told
I hugged her so tightly,maybe if I held her more tight maybe her bone would have broke
"Thank you so much baby for standing with me" I told with tears rolling down from my eyes.I poured out my tears which I was holding from a long time.
"Baby when you can give everything because of me then This is nothing"she told breaking the hug and wiping my tears
She raised her toes and kissed my forehead

We went to the shop and she brought the best of the accessories even if I refused her a thousand of time
I was back to tip top Karan kundrra .I was so happy.I had a formal shirt and pant with a watch ,belt and shoes.
She interlocked her hands with mine as we went out of the shop.I don't know from where she managed to give me unlimited happiness
She was talking continuously trying to make me forget things for sometime and making me smile
I was smiling listening to her talks
We went to the cafe and ordered various stuff .
When we were eating
Laddoo: "baby what is the next thing you are going to do"
Sunny: "don't know I am thinking to work in any company or start a part time job so that I earn some money which I will invest in the new company "
Laddo: "you can't do anything to bring the company back like your family has shares so the power also lies with them right" as she said these words something important struck my head
With all these thing how the hell can I forgot that stuff
I cursed myself.I pulled her to the auto and she called someone
I was so excited to see what was going to happen when Vijay will get to know made me laugh


Hey lovely people
Thank you for having patience and waiting for the upload

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You guys are showering so much love .I am really overwhelmed.please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please )

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