Important decision

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3 months later
I just finished a  boring meeting.i was the ceo again.I tried convincing her to hold the share but she was adamant.As I insisted she held 10 percent of the share .today was going to change my life forever

I was sitting on my chair nervous as  excited for today evening.Laddoo has gone out of station for sometime .She will be back in the evening
I have decided to ask laddoo to marry me .

Before that I took so much struggle to convince her family.i wanted to convince her family first so there would be no problem in future.I had convinced her mother father and even her four ruthless cold brother .But convincing her uncle was the difficult part.It was not like he didn't like me but he loved Teju as his own daughter.He had only sons so Laddoo was the only girl daughter so he pampered her a lot.Finally after convincing her uncle for almost two months and proving that I will be a great husband he was finally convinced.

I had actually planned to propose the night of the hospital incident but I couldn't
The ring was a exclusive ring which was craved by the best of the craftsmen.It had a beautiful blue diamond surrounded with other diamond.
I called up omi to check the arrangements
I went busy with other meetings.I realised it was time so I called Laddoo

Laddoo : ya sunny
Karan:sorry Laddoo i can't come to pick you up as I am out of town
Laddoo: what I am coming back after 10 days and you are doing this
Karan: I am extremely sorry I will be back by tomorrow
Laddoo : what not done I wanted to be with you
Karan:I understand baby but please this is my life decision
Laddoo:Oh ok fine come back soon
Karan: one minute
Laddoo;now what
Karan:Actually today my friend is holding a party near the beach so can you please attend that as I can't go
Teju:but sunny
Karan: No but please
Teju:ok fine ..she sighed😮‍💨
Karan:I love you
Teju:I love you too

It was evening.The set up was arranged.I  was dressed in a white t shirt black pant a good shoe a rolled watch and a branded leather jacket
I had done the arrangements on my own
I was so nervous I had not been so nervous when I signed the property papers to Vijay .Oh talking about Vijay now he works at mr.Singhania's place as a tech head.

Oh ok I can see her coming towards me
"Oh hello anyone there"she said
Suddenly the lights turned on and they were photos of us hanging in a beautiful wall.
"Laddo"I said with a shacking voice
As she turned I kneeled on my knees
"Oh I know you have a lot of question but let me complete"I said taking a deep breath

"Ms. Tejaswi Prakash ,we have started to date around a year and more.The time I spent with you is the best time of my life .I meet you at an unexpected place .You are my love .I know you may think I am mad or I am joking but no I am serious.I love you infinity and I want you to be the last girlfriend.So ms. Tejaswi Prakash will you marry me?Will you be the mother of my kids ?will you be mrs.Karan Kundrra"I asked her taking out the ring.

She was crying.I got up and wiped her tears
"No Laddoo you can take time"I said kissing her forehead
"You dumbhead I was crying out of happiness and yes I will marry you"she said
As she said I was awestruck
I made her wear the ring and we kissed each other as this was the end of the world
"Com on Laddoo let's video call the family they are waiting "I said taking out the phone
"Did they know about this"she asked
"Ya they knew and I convinced their family but your uncle..."I said
"What about uncle"she asked in a shock
"He was the most diff one to convince"I said
"Oh you scared the shit out of me"she said with a relief
We video called the family .They we're so happy
KM :Beta there is a problem
Karan :what mom?
KM:actually me and Teju's mom checked the dates with the pandits he told that there is a good date on the next week .if we miss this date you need to wait for one more year.
Karan and Teju:WHAT??
Karan: how can we make the arrangements so fast
Teju's uncle:you don't worry we are there you guys just tell if you are okay.
We said we were okay and the next day was our rokha

PRECAP: let the wedding begin ....


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~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please )

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