A leap

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10 years later

Karan POV

"I don't want an excuse" I scream at the staff
"Sir...But" the manager tried to speak
"No you knew the deal was important yet you messed it up, You idiot get out" I screamed as I banged the desk.
I walked out of the room with a wave of furious anger. The people still get scared of me. They need to know my power. I sat in the car
"To the mansion," I told the driver
I rested my head and closed my eyes

It has been 10 years since the most important day of my life. My marriage. Today is an important day. Talking about kids I have two. My princess Pihu Tejasswi Karan Kundrra.I always wanted her mother's name in her name. I know it is a long name yet I wanted it. She is 5 years old cute girl. one warning as she speaks above her age. I have a son my prince Dhruv. Dhruv T Kundrra.They are the most loveable kids. He is an 8-year-old boy who loves his sister more than us. I still remember the day I got to know she was pregnant.

(Flashback will be in Italian)

I was in my office still late at night as my people had messed up a project. I reached home at 12. As I entered the house it was pitch dark.
"Baby where are you" I screamed
Suddenly I felt someone hug me from the back.
"Oh Laddoo what happened,"  I asked as she had held me tightly
Suddenly the light turned on. The room was beautifully decorated.

There was a board which states Welcome home Daddy

It took me some time to process what was going on. I pulled her.
"Are you serious?" I asked her with tears
She nodded in a shy way
"Ya we are going to be parents" I screamed at the top of my lungs
I smashed my lips on hers. She was shocked but then she started to react. I bit her lower lip which made her release a moan. Our tongue fought for dominance. She wrapped her legs around my torso. I walked toward her room. We didn't break the kiss. I started to remove her dress as she started to unbutton her shirt.
The night was really special.

Talking about the love of my life She runs a successful company under the Kundrra's.She is a successful businesswoman. I am proud of her.

"Sir we are here," the driver said parking the car in front of the gate
As I entered the house my princess came running
"Papa," she said jumping into my arms
"How are you princess," I asked kissing her cheeks.She giggled
"Too good," she said
"Papa" Dhruv came from behind
"Ob where we're you beta," I asked kissing his cheeks
"Papa I was outside as we have  a party right," he said
"Oh yeah today mummy will come and we will have a party for her success," I said
"Papa play na," she asked showing her puppy eyes
"Ok come let's go," I said walking towards the play area
I sat down to play with the kids
"Who thought an arrogant businessman will be playing with children" a familiar voice came from behind
"Omi," I said as I gave him a hug
"What bro what's up," he asked walking towards the kids
"Nothing fathers duty" I replied
"Ok baccho I got u something," omi said as he kneeled down
"What is that chachu," they said
He opened a bag of chocolates in front of them
"Thank you chachu you are the best," they said kissing him on his cheek
"You are spoiling them om," I said giving him a death stare
"Oh come on bro they deserve to be spoiled," he said rubbing their hair
"Chachu don't spoil my hair"Dhruv whinned
"Ok guys come on let's get ready," I said walking towards the stairs.
I got a call as I was going towards the room.
"WHAT" I screamed as I collapsed on the floor


Hey lovely people
Thank you for having patience and waiting for the upload

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You guys are showering so much love .I am really overwhelmed.please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please)

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