My Peace

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Karan POV

I woke up panting. I had a dream of me reminding Teju about our past and then she collapsed In my arms.

This is the worst feeling.

I will probably be happy to see her happy with someone rather than her dying because of me. I have even promised her that I will take care of her wedding. I will fulfil my promise no matter how hard it is for me.

I was in my thoughts when my phone rang. I looked to see Aai calling me. I took a deep breath before answering the call

"Good morning Aai," I said

"Good morning bacha," She said in her sweet voice.

"How are the kids? Did you tell them" She asked worriedly

"Yes aai I told them. They cried a little and with great difficulty I put them to bed." I said

"I can understand, how difficult is it for them to do this. But they are my brave kids" Aai said

"I know, They are the best" I replied

"Beta come here for breakfast today with kids". She said

"It's ok aai, I will not trouble you" I said

"Shut up, one side you call me aai and other side you do this to me. Is it fair?" She scolded me.

"Ok fine don't scold I will there with kids" I said and I could imagine her smiling.

"Beta are you sure about this?" She asked

"About what?" I asked

"This marriage beta. I feel that we are rushing. Like see yesterday we had roka and today they are going shopping" Aai said

"It is ok aai. Remember when it was my wedding I was in such a hurry" I said trying to console her or probably giving myself a justification.

"But We know you and we don't know him" She said

"Then know him Aai. Probably He can also turn into a son rather than son in law and probably you will forget me" I said chuckling trying to hid my pain.

"Shut up. I will hit you. You are my son not anyone else. I will choose you even over my own daughter. You are the best gift Teju gave me." She said and I wiped a tear which I didn't realise when it decided to flow from my eyes.

"Now tell me what is your worry?" She asked me

"How do you know?" I asked her in shock.

"Because I know you very well" She said and I sighed. I need to tell her the truth.

"I thought I was a bad father" I said and I could hear her signing.

"Bacha listen, whatever is happening is not your fault. It is your destiny and trust me you are a amazing father. You look after them so well. You fulfil their wish and give them values of life. You are the best don't ever bring that thought in your head"  She said

"But don't you think I failed as a father because I promised them that I will bring back their mom" I asked her

"No you didn't. You tried your best now leave it to your fate" She said and I had to agree that she as telling the truth.

"Come on I will be waiting for you guys" She said and was about to hang the call when I stopped her

"Aai you said they are going shopping then why don't you guys also go?" I suggested her

"Why?"  She said being annoyed

"Because you need to built a bond. They are your future in laws" I said

"They are not, only Kundrra's are my in laws. I agreed for marriage for her sake but I never told that I will make efforts"  She  said  stubbornly.

"Aai for Teju, please" O requested her and she got convinced

"But you are coming also" She said. Her tone was serious

"Sure I will. I  will be there in a few hours with kids" I said and hanged up the call. I did my morning routine and went to the kids room.

I saw both of them sleeping so peacefully. I smiled at them. Now I have only them.

I walked towards Pihu first.

"Princess get up" I said running my hands over her head. She slowly yawned and opened her eyes. I gave her a huge smile.

"Good morning princess" I said and she hugged me. She kissed me on my cheeks.

"Good morning papa" She said.

"Come on let's go, we need to wake your brother up" I said picking her up from the beds.

I made her bed and then went towards Dhruv.

"Dhruv bacha get up" I said shaking him but he did not even stir in his sleeps

After a lot of effort he opened his eyes and looked at me. He forwarded his hand and I picked him up. He rested his head on my shoulders. This is how he wakes up everyday. I made his bed and took both of them to washroom.

I made both of them sit on the slab. I handed their brush's

"Brush your teeth, I will set water for shower and come" I said and both of them nodded together.

I quickly set up water in their respective bathroom. I even chose their clothes, placed them on their bed.

After brushing, I washed their mouth.

"Come on Shower time" I said placing them on the floor.

"Princess here are your clothes, I have set up the water" I said sending Pihu first followed by Dhruv.

I walked down to the kitchen to give them milk as we are going to Aai's house for breakfast. I quickly boiled the milk and mixed malt In them. By that time both of them came down ready in their outfits.

I took them towards God's room and made them pray. I made them sit on their stools.

"Here drink your milk before that drink this glass of water. I will get ready and come" I said and walked to my room.

I wore a white shirt and over it I wore a blue sweatshirt. I paired it with a black pant and white sneakers. I wore my watch and I was ready.

I walked down to see both of them playing something

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I walked down to see both of them playing something.

"Ready?" I asked

"Where to?" They asked together.

"We are going shopping before that we will have amazing breakfast of nani" I said and both of them were excited.

I decided to take rolls Royce phantom and I decided to ask Kaka  to bring Audi Q7 as probably we will be needing it.

I made both of them sit in the back seat and drove the place hoping for a good day.

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