My journey ends here 💔

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Karan pov

I was sitting there with Aai Baba on the sofa when Ladoo Sorry Teju had gone with Karthik to talk. Both of them came smiling at each other. Their fingers were interlocked with each other and there was a slight blush on Teju's face.

I wish I was that person. I miss that sly smile when I used to be with her. I missed the small dirty talks. I miss the warmth of the hug and I miss the whole laddoo.

The couple came and stood in front of their parents and nodded with a smile adoring them.

I will not lie. I did feel a punch of jealousy hit me.

"Wah beta, Congratulations," Karthik's mother said.

All of them hugged was other and aaj, Baba had faked a smile.

"Samdiji why not do the Roka today itself," Karthik's father asked. Baba turned towards Teju to see her eyes awaiting this moment.

"Sure," Baba said and Teju had a huge smile.

"Sure then I will call the Pandit also today so we can decide the date,"  Karthik's mother said and Baba and aaj nodded with a smile. I excused myself from the crowd and went to my car.

I picked up the bag I had brought from my house. I entered the hall to see Aai Baba was not there. I excused myself and went to their room. Both of them were sitting on the bed with tears flowing from their eyes. I quickly entered their room and closed the door. They looked at me and tears started flowing more. I placed the bag on the rack and Went and kneeled down in front of them.

I wiped Aai's tears

"What happened Aai?" I asked her

"Why Karan? Why should we do this? You are our son in law why?" She said crying. I hugged her. I wiped her tears.

"Why cry aai? For us her happiness is important. We can do it" I said slowly

"What about the kids karan? They need their mother" Aai said crying

"They will understand aaj. They have their father and they have their strong grandparents" I said consoling them

"But why can't we just tell the truth" Baba said frustrated. I was blank.

"The doctor had said that memories from the past can cause pressure on her brain which may lead to death of a blood clot. I can't risk her life. It is better for her to stay alive happily than die" I said with tears following down from my eyes

Aai and Baba hugged me. After some time I broke the hug and wiped both of their tears. They smiled at me.

"Here I have something," I said handing them a bag.

They looked at him and looked towards me.

"This is just a shotgun," I said and they shook their head.

"Karan this is not needed," Aai said

"No aai this is needed and moreover this belongs to Karthik," I said

"Karan this is expensive,"  Baba said
"Baba this is the money Teju is earning from her efforts and this should be used for her happiness," I said

Baba removed a box from the bag and handed over it to me. I was about to say something when Baba stopped me

" Karan he does not deserve this one. I know this is Expensive. So keep this" He said keeping the box in my hand.

"Aai baba here is the card for the wedding. Don't think twice before shopping and don't refuse" I said and he nodded smiling.

"I have one more thing," I said and they looked at me. I removed a paper from my suits

"Here is the legal paper about the divorce. I know you guys will be sad but this is important. I have signed it and I have talked to the lawyer so he said that Teju's sign is not required" I said handing them the paper.

"You know you are the best husband," Baba said and I nodded with a smile.

Within some time Pandit Ji came, and their Roka ceremony started. They both looked so happy together. I realised my engagement ring is still in my hand. I removed it from my hand.

Now you don't belong to me. I said and stuffed it in my pocket. I had never removed this ring from my hand in the whole time but today I did.

I guess even my journey with her is like this ring and probably it ends here.

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