Excited 🥳

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After the video call,i and laddoo went to the car and drove to the nearby restaurant

We entered the restaurant and a beautiful waiter came to us
"Oh I hope you are alone"she asked as laddoo was standing behind me
"Oh unfortunately not I am here with this beautiful lady"I said pulling laddoo close to me and placing my hand on her waist
Then we walked towards the table and took our seats

The waitress came again asking for the order .
The waitress was looking at me like I was a snack.I knew I was a snack but now I was committed and my fiancé is sitting in front of me

We ordered food and we left the restaurant.all the while the waitress was eyeing at me and laddoo was giving her glares .I laughed at this.We drove to The beach

We sat on the beach letting the water touch our legs
I wrapped my hand around her shoulder and she rested her head on my shoulder
"Sunny" she said
"What laddoo"I asked
"Our life changed so much sunny"she said looking deep into my eyes
"Ya Laddoo I had not excepted to get engaged within 24 hours of me proposing to you"I said looking at her .She chuckled at my answer.That smile kills me all the time
I was so happy .The thought of her being my wife was giving me chills
I wanted to stop the time right now but unfortunately not.We had to go home as tomorrow was our big day.I drove to her place and went home
I changed to my night suit messaged laddoo and went to the bed
I was so excited for tomorrow

(Ok I have decided to add teja point of view .So we will have all the rasams in both the point of view.The point of views will be mentioned )

Teja's POV

I am so excited I am going to meet sunny after a long time.Inmiss his fragrance,his warmth and him in person
He calls me daily yet the feeling of being together is a different one.
I finished my routine it was already afternoon,so I rushed to the airport
I was checking in when I received the call

I was disappointed after the call as he said he was not coming to pick me up from the airport but I had to attend some party too.

I reached the airport and I saw omi standing there waving at me
He ran and hugged me
"I missed you"he said breaking the hug and taking my bag
"I missed you too"I said Patti g on his back a little
We sat in the car and he drove to a five star hotel
"Why did we stop here"I asked him
"Oh Karan bhai didn't tell you"he asked
"Ya he told me to attend a party"I replied
"Ya so he told you to get ready"he said replying
I was getting out of the car and taking my suitcase "oh you don't red your suitcase the dress jewellery and makeup is there in the room that was there is the last floor and here is the key"he said handling me the key of the room
The last floor had only one room.It was the most luxurious room and was reserved for special people
I got ready in the dress applying a little makeup .I went down and drove to the place
I went inside and the lights were all down.
"Oh hello Anyone there"I asked
When I said that the lights turned on and I saw mine and sunny photos on a wall
I heard a familiar voice  calling my name from the background.
I turned out to see sunny dressed up so good
He was wearing a  white t shirt and a black pant with a leather jacket

He was kneeling down on his one knee
Before i could say anything
"Oh I know you have a lot of question but let me complete" he said taking a deep breath

"Ms. Tejaswi Prakash ,we have started to date around a year and more.The time I spent with you is the best time of my life .I meet you at an unexpected place .You are my love .I know you may think I am mad or I am joking but no I am serious.I love you infinity and I want you to be the last girlfriend.So ms. Tejaswi Prakash will you marry me?Will you be the mother of my kids ?will you be mrs.Karan Kundrra"He asked her taking out the ring.
It was the most beautiful ring I was mesmerised.
I started to cry and that dumbo thought that I was upset on him proposing me
I knew I was dating a dumb person but he was the right person to me.
After the video call with the family members.the date of Roka was fixed to tommorow and we had a marriage in ludania in a week.
We reached the restaurant where the waitress was eyeing at my man
But he suppressed it and I was happy to have him as my future husband
We reached the beach and we sat down letting the water touch our feet
He had wrapped his hand around my shoulder and I wished that the time would have stopped here.
I reached the home changed the dress and sat on the bed
I had not thought that within twenty hours of him proposing me I would have the Roka ceremony.
I slept with a smile on my face


Hey lovely people
Thank you for having patience and waiting for the upload

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You guys are showering so much love .I am really overwhelmed.please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please )

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