First day

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Tejaswwi POV

My wonderful sleep was disturbed by the sun's rays falling on my face. I saw the clock and shit I was late. I rushed to the bathroom, did my daily chores and took a long hot shower. I came out and I decided to wear a formal dress. I picked up a white shirt and a blue skirt.

 I picked up a white shirt and a blue skirt

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I did minimal makeup and went down.
"Aai breakfast" I screamed sitting on the table. Baba was reading the newspaper.
"Good morning baba," I said giving him a wide smile
"Good morning baccha," he said providing me with his best smile.
"Aai fast," I said looking into my mobile
"Coming" she screamed from the kitchen

After some time I finished my breakfast and decided to take a cab to the company. I didn't want anybody to know that I am related to that idiot. I had decided to work with him for a few months and I will talk to him about this today. In a few minutes, I reached an amazing building. It looked rich and next to the building was a small one with the name "Fashion Street".I guess that is the company karan was talking about. I reached the reception and told me my name. A beautiful lady took me in an elevator to 31 St floor.
"Ma'am sir's cabin is the 32 and floor and you can use the stairs to go up," she said and started to walk away. I reached his cabin and knocked on the door. professionalism.
"Come in" I heard a deep husky voice
I like men with a deep voice
I entered my cabin and my mouth was hung down. He looked so handsome in that blue suit and that shirt button open Ah. I will be dead here
Shit, what are you thinking he is your best friend but why this butterfly feeling.
"Oh Ms Tejasswi please come," he told in a deep husky voice
"Oh Mr Kundrra you look hot" I commented
He chuckled
"Oh you like it," he said and gestured for me to sit
"Teju, Actually I was thinking about you working in my company as my PA, so you could gain some experience and then continue," he told and looked at me waiting for my answer
"What a coincidence. Even I was thinking the same. By the way, what will omi do" I questioned him. He chuckled. MAN
"Omi is gone to Canada. After all, he owns a few per cent of the shares of the KUNDRRA EMPIRE. By the way, he has gone for some projects he will be back" he told
"Oh let's start the work," I said to avoid the embarrassment
"Oh so eager to start so come on follow me," he told walking out and I followed him like a puppy.
Helped me to a small table and instructed the work I should do. My work was to attend the call manage his meeting and write the notes

I sat at the table and started to do my work. After some time I heard a knock
"Oh and come on let's go for lunch," my idiotic friend told me
"Okay," I told winding up my work
As we were going he got a call and his sentence were like
Yes ma'am
Oh what happened ma'am
Ok I am coming

"Teju there is some problem in the school. The kids are in the problem " he couldn't say anything more. I held his hand and gave an assuring smile

"I will come with you," I told 
"But" I didn't let him complete
"We are here for you. Let's go" I told not waiting for his reply.

We reached the school and went straight to the principal's office. as I went through I was shocked to see the scenes. Dhruv was standing there with an angry face and a boy was standing there with blood near his lips and pihu was standing with her head down.
"Mr Kundrra this is the last time if your kid repeats it then he has to survive the consequences."The principal said and karan nodded.
We walked out of the office and stood out of the school and I carried pihu
"Dhruv why did you hit him,"karan asked in a cold sweetest tone but I knew he was trying to control his anger
"Speak Dhruv" he again told and Dhruv flinched
"Papa..that boy kissed princess's cheek so I hit him," he said and karan bent down to his level. I thought he was going to scold him but karan being karan
"Why did you hit him you should have punched him more," he told and did a hi-fi with Dhruv
"Do this guy always do like it?" I asked pari and she giggled
"Karan what is wrong with you.Instead of telling him not to do that you are supporting him" I screamed at him and he stood there without a word.
"And you shrub next if I get a complaint from your teacher you will get punishment" I did and he hugged me
"Sorry," he told
"But teju how can he kiss my princess" Karan screamed.
"It's ok, what will you do when she gets married," I asked him
"I will not let him take my princess" he whined
I just walked away. I was happy with his concern for his kids

We had lunch and he dropped me home. My first day went good.


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You guys are showering so much love. I am overwhelmed. please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat Dena please)
Please shower love even on my other

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