A shock

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Karan POV

I was currently sitting in front of the hospital room. My laddoo is inside struggling for her life. A few minutes ago I got a call from an unknown number telling me that teju had met with an accident when she was coming back home from the airport. I sat there on a chair with my hands on my face. I am trying so hard to control my tears. My parents and kids are there in a small room in the hospital. I am waiting for the doctor to give me an update.
Her parents and cousins were also standing there.

After 2 hours which was an eternity to me, a man in his 60s walked out of the operation theatre. He walked toward me
"Hello My name is Mr Nayak and I want to talk to you in my cabin," he said and I followed him towards his cabin. He removed his coat and sat on the chair.
"Yes doctor," I told
"Actually ms Tejasswi is out of danger but," he said and I cut him off
"What happened to her doctor," I asked him
"Actually there is a blood clot in her brain and the operation..." he told and again I cut him off
"Don't worry about the cost doctor. I am ready to pay millions " I told him
"It's not about the cost it is about the consequences of the operation," he told him
"What consequences doctor," I asked him
"Sir she will have a short term memory loss," he told me
"About how many years of memory will she lose," I asked him
"Usually people lose a year of memory but at worst, They lose 10 to 15 years of memory. So take your time and decide" he told
I thought for a while and told ok for the operation. Nothing was more important than laddoo life to me at that time

The operation took some hours and I waited outside. The doctor came and told us that the operation was successful and she will be shifted to the general ward soon. I entered the room and the scene wrecked me into pieces
She was on the bed with an oxygen mask and a bandage on her head. The girl who was smiling was now all silent. The cheerful lady was now a sad one. My love, My life was lying there lifeless. I walked to her and sat on the chair. I kept talking to her about random things. I felt like she was moving and the doctor had suggested that I should stay away. I quickly kissed her forehead and stood behind the door. She woke up within a few minutes. The doctor took a few tests and confirmed that she had forgotten me and my children.

I was so heartbroken. I told my family and sat on the bench and started to cry. I gave up all the tears which I was holding.
"Laddoo" I screamed
"How can you do this to me," I said as I managed to cry.
I was continuously crying when my mothers came toward me. They sat next to me holding my hand
"Aai. mummy. You heard her na, she doesn't remember me" I told crying
"Calm down beta," teju's mom said and I was still crying
"What will I tell the kids," I said between my sobs
"Don't worry puttar they will understand? "She said and went as someone called her. My mom also left. I was sitting there without a clue about the next
I sat there without a thought of what next. My kids came running toward me.
"Papa," Pihu said jumping next to me
"Yes princess," I told wiping my tears
"Papa we know what happened to Mumma," this time Dhruv said
I just hugged them.
"I am sorry. I lost your mom" I muttered while hugging them. I guess they did not hear me.
"Papa what next" Dhruv asked
"What Dhruv Bhai how can you be dumb,"pihu said slapping her head
"What," I and Dhruv said at the same time
"Obviously papa will make mummy fall in love with him and we can watch their love story again."She said making us realise. Now I knew what to do.
Suddenly they called me into teju's room telling me that she called my name and I rushed like a mad person.
She saw my face and smiled
"Kya," I asked her
"How can you be so careless. Your best friend is admitted here and you were not there" she started to scold me.
I was. determined to make her fall in love with me.


Hey lovely people
Thank you for having patience and waiting for the upload

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You guys are showering so much love .I am really overwhelmed.please keep loving
~Your writer
(Ps: I have not edited it so gaffe mat dena please)

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