Tired - NR

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AGE: 3



I walk up the stairs to my daughters bedroom,
Y/N is my 3 year old daughter and she is a very shy and quiet little girl. Whenever Tony has a party she usually hates them and doesn't want to go but she ends up going because I go and she doesn't want to leave me.

"Hey baby, what are you playing?"I ask as I walk into her room, she is sat on the floor playing with her dolls, she looks up at me and smiles before speaking.

"Hi mama, I am playing dollies, you play?"She asks me and I nod my head, even though I'm supposed to be getting her ready for a party I need to make sure I tell her at the right time.

"Of course baby, which one can I play with?"I ask her as I sit on the ground with her, she hands me a doll and we start playing for about 10 minutes until I really have to start getting ready.

"Baby, Uncle Tony is having a party tonight and mama has to go so can you come with me?"I ask her after I helped her put her dolls away.

"But mama"She whines as tears form in her eyes, I sigh and lift her into my arms as she starts crying into my chest.

"I know, I know, but if you go you and mama can have a relaxing movie day tomorrow, does that sound good?"I ask her and gently lift her head from my chest and wipe her tears, she nods her head with a pout but the tears have stopped.

"Come on baby let's go and get ready"I say and I stand up with Y/N in my arms, I walk over to her closet and pick out a dress, a pair of long socks, some pumps and a big pink bow out and sit Y/N on the bed and change her into her outfit.



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I walk back into my bedroom with Y/N and get my own outfit out which is a black dress, black heels and my black handbag.



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I spray my perfume on myself and then Y/N asks for some so I spray a little on her and then bring her downstairs.

"Okay baby, if you get hungry let me know and if you get tired let me know but for now you can go and play with Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel"I tell her setting her on the floor beside the kids area, she hugs my leg and runs off to play.

I walk up Wanda, Vison and Steve and we all start chatting about nothing and everything.

I hear crying and I feel a pat on my leg, I look down and see Y/N crying her heart out while making grabby hands to me.

"Oh baby what's the matter?"I ask her and she just scrunches her arms into her chest and lays her head on my collar bone.

"I wan' you"She whispers and I smile and kiss her head gently before hugging her.

"You hungry baby?"I ask her and she nods her head so I excuse myself from the conversation and walk over to the food table and get a plate for Y/N and fill it with food.

"There you go honey, come on let's go and sit down somewhere so you can eat"I say as I bring her and her plate of food over to the couches, I sit on the couch with Y/N on my lap and I place the plate on her lap and she starts to eat her food while I rub her back.

She soon finishes her food and lays back on my chest but just sideways now, I smile and stroke her hair and kiss her forehead.

I can tell that my baby is exhausted, she looks exhausted and she has had a hard day today, this morning she woke up very clingy and she didn't feel the best, this afternoon she fell and scraped her knee and this evening she had to come to this party.

"Go to sleep baby, mama's here"I whisper and change her position so she is straddling my lap with her hands in between my stomach and her chest and her head is laying on my chest.

"I wuv you mama"She whispers and she soon falls asleep after that.

My little baby, I am never making her come go to one of these parties again.


Heyyy! So I have decided to rewrite these one shots and also add a few more because I feel I just stopped them very abruptly so here I am.

I will try to get some new one shots soon but I'm not making any promises that it will be soon.

Daughter One Shots || Scarlett/Natasha [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now