Nap Time - NR

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AGE: 2



Ever since Y/N was just 4 months old she has hated nap times and for no reason at all, she is always throwing a tantrum when it is nap time but she ends up tiring herself out until she falls asleep and I bring her upstairs to her room and lay her in her bed.

Luckily for me, it's nap time and Y/N is currently watching cartoons on the tv with her bottle in her hand and her blanket in the other.

"Hey baby whatcha watching?"I ask her sitting down beside her, "Eppa 'ig"She says from around the nipple of her bottle, I smile at her cute face and the way it is focused on the tv.

"That's good but baby it's time for a nap, can you be a good girl for mama?"I ask and she instantly looks at me with an angry face.

"No!"She shouts and jumps off the couch and runs off, I sigh and walk after her, I catch up to her quite quickly as she only has small legs.

"No mama!"She screams crying her eyes out as I pick her up, she flails around in my arms and drops her bottle and blanket which makes her more upset.

"Baby stop it!"I say sternly as she starts to hit my chest, "Y/N I said stop!"I shout making her stop hitting me and scream and cry in my arms.

"No nap, no nap, no nap!"She shouts as her breathing becomes irregular, I start to get worried so I bring her over to the couch again and sit down on it with Y/N in my lap.

"Hey baby look at me, look at me please"I ask and she looks at me through her blurry eyes, I start to shh her in attempt to calm her down a little bit.

"Baby can you blow on my face like this"I ask her as I gently blow on her face, a few attempts later she can forcefully blow on my face.

"Now baby why do you keep getting so upset at nap time?"I ask her while her head is on my chest, she just shrugs her shoulder.

"Baby look at mama"I say and she lifts her head tiredly and looks at me with a frown on her face, her lip starts to quiver.

"You're not in trouble but just tell mama why you get so upset all the time"I say bouncing her up and down gently.

"You weave me at nap time"She whimpers and starts to cry again, "You don't like when I leave you?"I ask her and she nods her head still crying.

"You could've told me baby, I would've stayed and been there when you woke up"I say and kiss her head and bring her head into my chest once again.

"How about we get you changed and get a new bottle for you and then we can both have a nap in mama's bed, you can have naps with mama from now on okay?"I say and she nods her head sucking her thumb.

I stand up and get the bottle and blanket off the floor from when she dropped them earlier and leave them in the kitchen, I bring her upstairs and change her into some pyjamas before going back downstairs and and making her a bottle and giving her the blanket.

I walk upstairs with the bottle in my hand and sit in my bed with Y/N cradled in my arms, I put the bottle to her lips and she gently suckles on it, I see her eyes slowly start to flutter closed.

I take away the bottle from her mouth causing her to whine and I don't see a pacifier anywhere so I put my thumb in her mouth so she can suckle on it while she sleeps.

I wrap her blanket around her and lay down in the bed with her on my chest, I slowly fall asleep as well with my baby fast asleep in my arms.

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