School Visit Pt.2 - NR

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REQUESTED BY: KailynStrickland

AGE: 9



I walk out of my school and sit on the wall waiting for mama to come and collect me, mama and me have the same birthday which is today and I can't wait to spend the rest of the day with her.

I see Jacob walk up to me, I was moved out of his class and put into the other class because mama made the school move me because she obvisouly saw what happened last year.

"Hey loser, you do know that no one is gonna pick you up because you have no parents and are just a random foster child"Jacob says to me making me frown slightly.

I start to walk away looking for mama's car hoping he wasn't saying the truth.

I then see mama standing at her car behind Jacob making me smile, I run towards mama but I trip over something and fall to the floor making Jacob burst out laughing.

I begin to cry as I hit my knee and my elbow off the ground and because he is laughing at me, I feel someone put their hands underneath my armpits and lift me up.

I turn my head to see mama, "Mama!"I shout happily, my tears long gone, I jump up wrap my arms around her neck and lay my head on her shoulder.

"Hey detka, you okay?"She asks me and I nod my head smiling at her, she lifts my head up and placing a little kiss on my lips and then on my nose and then on my forehead and then on my head.

We both turn to Jacob to see him with his mouth basically on the floor and his eyes wide, we both do mama's signature smirk and then he runs away towards his own mama.

Me and mama both giggle at him before I lay my head back on her shoulder and she bounces me up and down slightly while rubbing my back.

"Happy Birthday mama!"I say happily and she smiles and looks down at me, "Happy Birthday detka"She whispers and kisses my head before walking to the car.

Mama straps me into my car seat and gets into her own seat before starting the car, she starts to drive somewhere.

"So what would you like to do for your birthday detka?"Mama asks me and I think for a second before I say anything, "We both get to pick since it's both of our birthdays"I say and mama laughs slightly.

"Okay how about ice skating as my choice and then you get to choose what we go after"Mama suggests and I nod my head agreeing.

"Can we go back home and watch Christmas movies after and we cuddle all night and I get to sleep in your bed?"I suggest and mama nods her head smiling making squeal and giggle.

We get to the ice rink and mama helps me out of the car as I am a small 9 year old and she holds my hand as we walk into the place.

We get our skates and sit down and put them on, mama puts her ones on first and then helps me with mine so I don't cut myself on the blade by accident.

I stand up but wobble a little bit before almost falling but mama catches me and lifts me up.

"Woah detka be careful"She says as she smiles at me and stands up without a problem making me pout a small bit.

She sets me on the ground and helps me steady myself before leaning down and kissing my head.

"How did you do that?"I ask with a pout and she laughs and kisses my pout away making me smile at her.

"I'll teach you now come on"She says and she takes my hand and helps em into the ice rink, I start to slip and slide so I grab onto mama's arms scared I'll fall on my butt.

"It's okay detka, I've got you"Mama says holding both of my hands, she guides me along while skating backwards.  My mama really can go anything.

"I've got it mama"I say and she let's go of my hands and I fall straight to the floor on my butt making me and mama burst out laughing.

"You sure you've got it?"Mama asks making me shake my head, she helps me up and starts to guide me around again until we decided to go home after falling on my butt a lot of times .

Mama carries me out to the car while I lay my head on her shoulder, I'm really tired after all that skating around and falling on my butt and laughing. Mama puts me in the car and then drives home.

"How about we watch some of my favourite Christmas movies?"Mama suggests, I nod and we get into our pyjamas and get into bed together.

Mama puts on some Christmas movies and I really like some of them but soon I feel myself getting tired so snuggle into mama and she wraps her arm around me and lets me snuggle into her even more.

"Goodnight детка (baby)"Mama whispers, "Night Night mama"I whisper before falling asleep fully in my mama's arms.

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