Graduation - NR

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REQUESTED BY: KailynStrickland

AGE: 18



"Mom a normal high school is where you have a locker and you get your books and then go to your classes. We also have a graduation where we receive diploma's and stuff as a celebration for completing high school and moving on in your life to the future"I explain to my mom with my brother standing beside me agreeing with me.

"Our graduation is in like 3 weeks or something"Peter says and mom starts to freak out, "какого хрена вы двое выпускаетесь через три недели. тебе не позволено получить высшее образование, тебе не разрешат продолжать свою жизнь, иметь детей больше нельзя, и питер, что они собираются с тобой сделать, ты мальчик, я не знаю, что они собираются делать сделать с мальчиком, потому что я никогда не слышал об этом раньше. (what the fuck you two are graduating in three weeks. you are not allowed to graduate you won't be allowed to get on with your life, having kids is gone out of the window and peter what are they going to do to you, your a boy I don't know what they are going to do to a boy because I have never heard of that one before.)"Mom rants staring at us with a worried face.

"Никакой маме не нравится этот выпускной, мы просто носим шляпы и платья, затем получаем дипломы и прочее, а затем идем в колледж, но это только если мы хотим (No mom not like that graduation, we just wear hats and gowns and then get our diplomas and stuff and then go to college but that's only if we want to)"I explain to mom calming her down slightly, "Look wait here I'll be back in a second"I say and run off to find Tony, Clint, Pepper, Bruce and Maria to help me explain it to my mom.

I run into the living room where all the avengers are sitting watching tv, "Hey guys I need your help, I need Tony, Clint, Bruce, Maria and Pepper to help me explain to my mom what a high school graduation is because my mom keeps thinking that is the graduation she got and I tried to explain to her but I think it would be better if you explained since you already went to high school"I explain as quick and as clear as I can and they all nod and stand up and follow me out to where my mom is.

They explain to her and she stops freaking out and calms herself before we all sit in the living room and they all show their graduation photos to calm my mom down a little bit more.

She hugs me and Peter and eventually calms down enough to keep her breathing steady.

"I was going to go to your school and stop your graduation until you all told me what actually happens"My mom confesses still hugging me and Peter while we sit on the couch, I smile and cuddle into my mom even more and so does Peter, "Don't worry momma nothing bad is going to happen to us"I whisper to her and kisses both of our heads.


Today is me and Peters graduation and I am wearing a dress my mom bought me a couple of weeks ago and I really love it, it is a tight wine coloured dress and I have my hair and makeup done and Peter is wearing a suit.

We have our cap and gowns on and we are sitting down in our chairs waiting for the valedictorian to be announced.

"Our valedictorians this year are Y/N Romanoff and Peter Romanoff, if you two could come up and give a speech that would be great"Our head teacher announce, me and Peter smile and walk up to the stage to see my mom sitting in her chair smiling at us with our Aunt Yelena, Grandma Melina, Grandpa Alexei and our Uncle Clint.

"We have grown up with a lot of unique people, we have a lot of memories and obviously we all don't get along all the time, some days we would have fights with different people but the one person that we have never had a fight with is our mom, Natasha Romanoff, she has raised since we were babies, we may not be blood related but that doesn't make us not a family, we will always be a family not matter what happens between us"Peter says and then he looks at me to say the rest.

"We always went to our mom about our problems, she never once made us feel horrible, miserable or disgusting, we were and still are her маленькие пауки (baby spiders) and she will always be our мама паук (mama spider). Nothing will ever change our relationship with our momma, she has taught us so much throughout the years, me and Peter used to get bullied when we were younger but our mom always told us to stand up for ourselves but we were scared we would get in trouble but she didn't care about that she just cared about us and she has always told us pain only makes us stronger which is something our grandma told our mom when she was younger. Momma we just want to say that you are the reason we are in this position today and that we will be forever thankful that you picked us the day you went to that orphanage"I finish the speech and I look to my mom in the audience and she is hugging Aunt Yelena crying her eyes out making me tear up.

We get our diplomas and walk back to our, Peter was gone to talk to his friends for a second but I went straight to my mom, she instantly hugs me and lifts me up into her arms while crying, I cry into her neck and she holds me as tight as she can, "I love you baby girl"She cries to me and I look at her in her eyes, "I love you too mama"I whisper and she kisses my nose before we hug again.


Me, Peter and Uncle Tony have decided to throw a graduation for the people that never got to graduate.

We give them all a cap and gown before walking with them to the backyard and they all sit down and we start to celebration.

"And our valedictorian this year is Natasha Romanoff"Grandpa Fury announces and my mom gets up and walks onto the makeshift stage.

"Was I supposed to have a speech ready?"My mom asks looking at me and Peter and we shake our heads, "Just say anything that comes to your mind mom"I say and she nods her head.

She gives her speech and it was a lot like ours and it made me cry because of what she was saying, she really is the best mom in the world.

They all get their diplomas and we all cheer for them and I walk up to mom and Aunt Yelena while Peter walks up to Grandma and Aunt Wanda.

"You know you are just like me baby girl, a big softie on the inside"Mom says and she hugs me making me laugh slightly, I then hug Aunt Yelena and she thanks me for putting this together with the help of my brother and my Uncle.

"I just want to say something to some of the people here today, welcome to the Avengers Y/N, Peter, Wanda, Yelena, Melina, Alexei and Pietro"Fury says and he hands us a diploma looking thing and everyone opens them and we all see that we are officially a part of the team and the ones that were already in them just got told that they moved up a rank in SHIELD.

Me and Peter jump up and down and hug each other, we all have a massive group hug and that's when I realised that we really are a big happy family.

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